The corner shop

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You sit down next to Joe and look at the menu. You are at a little cafe.

"How are you Y/N! I haven't seen you in forever!" Joe smiles at you.
"I'm good! How are you?"
"Y/N. Jo means, how are you taking things after..." Zoe trails off.
"Zoe, I'm fine! I'm over him."
"Over who? What happened?" Joe looks a Zoe, confused.
"Boy you are behind! Girl, can I tell him?" Tyler asks.

Tyler and Zoe tell Joe all about Dan and Chiara.

"I'm sorry Y/N!" Joe looks at you.
"I'm fine! I swear!" You looks back at the menu.

After eating, you all decided to go shopping.

The three are all walking slightly ahead of you, so you start thinking. About Dan. About what he did to you. How you hated him.

"Y/N!" Joe pulls you out of your train of thought.
"Hm, yeah what?"
"What happened to Chiara? Zoe and Tyler never said."
"I don't know. I haven't heard from her. No one has. She's probably with Dan." You roll your eyes.

"How about here?" Zoe points into a shop called New Look.
"Sure!" You skip next to her and link arms.

"Oh I love this!" You pick out a white tshirt with grey sleeves.
"You'd look so good in it!" Zoe agrees.
"I'm gonna get it!"

A tap in your shoulder attracts your attention. A girl looks 10 is standing behind you.
"Hi, are you Y/N?"
"Yes I am! What is your name?"
"My name is Kate. I'm a really big fan! Can we get a picture together?"
"Sure!" You take a picture with Kate. She hugs you then runs back to an adult, who looks like her mum.

"She is so sweet!" You squeal.
"I know right! Anyway, I found these white shorts that would go great with the top!" Zoe hands them to you.

Once you've paid, you start to walk back to Joes.

"Tyler, how are you?" You walk along with Tyler.
"I'm good thanks babe! How are you?"
"I'm good!"

"Ugh. Guys, Caspar wants us to pick up some crisps for him. Is that ok?" Joe rolls his eyes.
"Yeah that's fine"

You all walk into a small corner shop.
"I'm gonna get some dorito's." You walk away from everyone else.

You pick up a packet.
"Hey Y/N! Can you-" Zoe trails off. She turns pale. She appears to be starring at something behind you.
"We need to leave now. Right now!"
"What? Why?" You are confused.
"Because. Now move!"
She grabs your arm, but you refuse to move.

"Y/N?" A voice says. A very familiar voice.
You look at Zoe. She looks angry.

'Oh sh*t. There is only one person she gets this mad at.'

You turn around slowly.
A man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes is starring directly at you.

"H-hi Dan"

Taken. [Dan x reader]Where stories live. Discover now