The Fu*k boy

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"Should we go get Phil?" You ask, keeping your eyes on the road.

A silence falls on you both.

A ping interrupts the silence.
"Can you get that? I can't read it" you look at dan for a second, then look back in front of you.
"Sure!" He grabs your phone off of the desktop.
"It's from 0747289537. It says, 'Hey, its Finn!'"
"Can you say hi?"
"You need to unlock your iPhone first" Dan does an impression of Siri, earning a laugh from you.
You open it with your finger print, then see dan quickly types a response.
"He's replied already!" He rolls his eyes. You laugh again.
Dan reads the message, and his smile quickly fades.
"What's wrong?" You ask, alarmed by his sudden silence.
" 'I was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?' "

The silence returns.

"Um... Can you tell him that I'm already going out with someone?"

Dans face lights up like a Christmas tree. "Okay!" He quickly replies to Finn.
"All though I don't know when we're going out!" You mutter, not wanting Dan to hear it.
"What?" Dan heard you.
"Oh, nothing." You shake it off.
"Okay then."

"He's replied! 'Who are you going out with?' "
"Tell him that he wouldn't know him"
"K then."

"We're here!" You pull up in front of Dan and Phil's house.
"What should I do about Finn?"
"I'll take care of it" you take your phone from Dan.

"I'm just gonna get Phil and drop off the shopping. I'll be back" Dan slides out the car.

You open the conversation with Finn.
He had replied something.

Finn: We can go get coffee then. It won't be romantic I promise!

You reply, not really thinking about what you're doing.


'SHIT!!! What am I doing!!!'

Y/N: Anyway, how is Chiara?
Finn:Oh, she's good. We're still going out
Y/N: ....And yet you asked me out?
Finn: I'm going to break up with her.
Y/N: let me guess. You're bored with her, so you're going to try to get with her cousin?
Finn: Yeah
Y/N: Oh my god! I can't believe you!
Finn: You're the cousin I want to be with
Y/N: you should have thought about that before you broke my heart!
Finn: I know. It was the biggest mistake of my life. Seeing you made me realise how much I miss you.
Y/N: Too late Finn. Don't contact me or anyone in my family again. Good bye.

You exit messages and block his number.

Even though you were mad at Chiara, you can't help but feel bad for her. You know what she is about to go through and you want to help her.

Y/N: Hey Chiara, its Y/N. I know I've been ignoring you for a long time. To be honest, I had all right to be mad at you. Anyway, I want to show you something that will make you upset, but I just want to let you know that I'm here for you.

You screenshot the conversation and send it to her.

At that exact moment, Dan climbs in, and Phil sits in the back.

"Hey! Y/N. You ok?" Dan sees your face.
"Yeah. I.. just look at this." You show him the message. You miss out the bit about coffee. That would break dan.
"Holy sh*t! What a prat!" Dan shakes his head.
"I told you. He's a fu*k boy!"
"What's going on?" Phil asks.

You explain everything to Phil as you drive around the corner to your house.

"What a horrible man!" Phil huffs.

You start to laugh.
"What?" Phil asks, puzzled.
"You don't swear." You giggle.

You lead them to your flat and they help with the shopping.

You drop everything thing in the kitchen.

"Okay! I shall give you a house tour!"
You clap.
"Let's go!"  Dan mimics your clap.

Taken. [Dan x reader]Where stories live. Discover now