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•PJ's POV•

"Thanks!!" Y/N walks out and runs back to her room. Dan lets out a groan.
"Wot?" Phil looks at him.
"She can't even look at me!" Dan lies back in he sofa.
"So? You're over her!" I poke him.
"I know. I just. I don't know!!" He gets up.

The truth is that I don't want Dan to be with Y/N. I like her. To be honest, I don't know how anyone couldn't fall in love with her! He is beautiful, talented, funny, geeky, and kind. She the whole package. Unfortunately, Dan got to her before I did, then broke her. Now, she doesn't want anyone. Well done Dan!!

"Peej!" Chris shakes me very vigorously.
"Sorry. What?" I look up at them.
"I said do you want to watch a film?" Phil asks.
"Sure! What?"
"How about Ghostbusters?" Dan yells.
"Ok!! Calm down!!" Phil mutters as he places the disk in the player.

We all sing along to the theme tune.

Just as things start to get interesting, I need to piss. Great!

I walk to the bathroom and go to the toilet.  I'm walking back when I hear music coming from Y/N's room.
I open the door. She is asleep on the bed, laptop open and music playing.
She looks so beautiful. Her hair flowing behind her. Her eyes shut. Her mouth slightly open. Dan was so luck. Then he had to go and fu*k it up for everyone.

Suddenly, she opens her eyes and sees me. I immediately turned red.
"Hey Peej. What are you doing?" She smiles at me and sits up.
"We are watching Ghostbusters in the other room. I know it's quite late, but I was wondering if you cared to join us?"
She thinks for a few moments then hops up and says "let's go!" She takes my outstretched arm and we walk into the front room and sit down, our arms linked the whole time.

The film finishes and Y/N has fallen asleep in a ball. She is curled up next to me, her head on my chest. I can feel the heat off of Dan's eyes. He is starring at me and Y/N. I don't know why he is so jealous. He is with Lottie!!! I don't get it.

Y/N opens her eyes and looks at me again. She turns bright red and sits up.
"Hey, I think we should go now" Chris stands up.
"Yeah" Dan does the same.
"Ok" I join them.

We all hug Phil. Chris high fives Y/N. I hug her. She doesn't say anything to Dan.

"Bye!!!" We all walk out.

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