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*1 week later*

You're still broken. You don't ever think you'll be whole again. After everything that's happened to you, it makes you want to give up.

Now you have to go back and face Dan.

"Hey," Y/F/N nudges you gently on the shoulder.

"I'm up!" You sit up. You're in the car on the way home.
"You ok?" A voice from the back asks.
"I'm ok Sar. Just thinking about what will happen when we get back"
"Well, you could stay at ours fit a while!" Lottie sounds excited.
"Yeah! That sounds like fun! We have a spare room!" Sar chirped in.

"Ok," you nod.

"YAY!!" They both yell.

"Is it ok if I go back to sleep?"
They all nod.
"Ok. Thanks"

You wake. Outside is, you assume, the house of Lottie and Sarah.

You open your phone to check the time, but you see something.

The background of your phone is of you and Dan. It's from when you went to VidCon for the first time.

Tears drip off your nose and onto the screen of your phone.

"Hey! You ready to-" Y/F/N stops abruptly.
"I can't help it Y/F/N. He's broken me. I can't do anything about it. I trusted him. I have his all my love and he threw it back I'm my face. Did I mean nothing to him?" You mutter, tears flowing like a river.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" your friend embraces you.

"I've given up on love. It's brought me nothing but despair." You whisper.

"Come on. Let's get you inside" Y/F/N takes your hand and leads you inside.

Everything is very white. The walls, the carpet, the ceiling.

"It's nice in here! Although, a little F/C wouldn't do any harm!" You laugh.

"Yeh. I see your point."  Sar laughs as well.

A vibration attracts your attention

Phil: I saw your message. At first I believe you. Then I spoke to Chiara. She said that you are jealous of our relationship.  You could have told me, not try to mess up our relationship. I thought I knew you Y/N. Don't talk to me agin.

You read it aloud and scream. Sadness is replaced by anger.
"That little bi*ch! That's it! I'm going over right now!" You grab your leather jacket and run out the house.

You sprint to your house. You still have the house keys, do you just let yourself in.

You slam you hand on Phil's door.

Behind you, you hear Lottie, Sar and Y/F/N let themselves in.

"Hello?" Phil opens the door with a smile, only for it to fade when he sees you.
"What?" Phil says.
"Where is she?"
"Not here!" He rolls his eyes.
"Bull sh*t!" You yell.

At that moment, the door to your right opens.

Dan is standing there. He is pale, huge bags under his eyes. He is super skinny.  It looks like he hasn't eaten anything in the past week.
His eyes expand when he sees you.

Suddenly, the anger disappears. It is replaced by sadness one again.

"Y/N" he whispers.

A hand reaches out and grabs you. Then three figures pull you behind them.
"Stay away you little sh*t! You've done this too her" Lottie screams.

Tear fall down your face for the millionth time this week.

"Y/N! I swear! It wasn't my fault!" Dan yells.
"What? What's happening?" Phil looks confused.

Sarah glares at him. "You know exactly what, sh*t bag! Y/N told you! Yet you chose to believe that back stabbing bi*ch that did this to her!" Sar motions to you.

"Come on," Y/F/N grabs your hand and pulls you out of there.

You can hear Sarah and Lottie screaming at the two boys as you run out the building.

•Dan's POV•

I'm lying on the sofa when I hear screaming.
"What the hell?" I mutter. Then someone yells "Bull sh*t!"

I recognise that voice.

I sprint to the front door and open it.

Y/N. She is paler than when she left. She is all tanned, but I can see that she looks unwell.  She turns and looks at me, as does Phil.

"Y/N" I say without realising I had.

Suddenly, three figures appear and drag Y/N behind them. One is Y/F/N, but I don't know the other two.

"Stay away you little sh*t! You did this to her!" The blonde screams. I ignore her abuse.
"Y/N! I swear it want my fault!" I yell. I see tear fall down her face. It hurts me to see her cry.
"What? What's happening?" Phil looks confused.

The ginger on glares at him. "You know exactly what, sh*t bag! Y/N told you! Yet you chose to believe that back stabbing bi*ch that did this to her!" She motions to Y/N.

Suddenly Y/F/N grabs Y/N hand and pulls her out of he flat.

"Y/N WAIT!!" I scream, tying to run after her. The blonde stops me.
"No hell noo! You aren't going anywhere!" She yells.

"Wait, Y/N was telling the truth?" Phil looks shocked.
"That's right you dick bag!" The ginger one starts telling off Phil.

"This is all your fault! When we were there? She acted normally, but we could all see that she's broken! She keeps saying you've FU*KKNG KILLED HER!!Are you happy now?" The blonde screams at me. 
I'm not listening, though.
I've killed her? It's all my fault!
If something happens to her, I'll never forgive myself.

I ignore the screaming blonde and stumble back into the flat, closing the door

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