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Group chat with:
Zoe, Tanya, Joe, Phil, Lottie, Chris, Pj, Sar, Y/F/N, Caspar, Alfie, Jim, Louise.

Y/N: Hey guys!! Can you all come over tomorrow at 5? I need to tell you something!
Joe: I'm down
Phil: I can come
Sar: cool!
Y/F/N: I'm excited to find out what is going to happen
Caspar: I'm excited
Pj: same
Lottie: SAME
Chris: I can come
Tanya: are we meeting at your house?
Zoe: probs
Alfie: great!!
Y/N: Great!! I'll see you all tomorrow.
Louise: Yay!!

"DAN!!" You scream, then remember he is right next to you.
"What?" He yells back.
"Sorry. Anyway, I've invited Joe, Zoe, Caspar, Phil, Sar, Y/F/N, Lottie, Louise, Tanya, Alfie, Jim, Chris and Pj to ours tomorrow."
"Ok. Why?" He doesn't take his eyes off the screen.
"I need to tell you all something."
"What is it?" Dan finally looks at you, worry in his eyes.
"I can't tell you! Yet!"You giggle, kiss him on the forehead then hop up and run into the bedroom.

It's 10pm, so your very tired. You open the wardrobe and change into a long grey top. Then you climb into bed and fall asleep.

*5pm the next day*

Quickly, you run and open the door. Standing outside the door is Joe, Zoe, Tanya, Jim, Louise and Caspar. "Hey!!" You hug them all then let them in.
"What do you need to tell us??" Zoe shakes your shoulders.
"I'll tell you later!!"

"Hey!!" You turn around to see Phil, Pj, Lottie, Sar, Y/F/N and Chris at the door. "Heya!" You hug them all then lead them in.

"Ok. What's going on??" Louise jumps onto the sofa, followed by Sar, Tanya, Lottie, Y/F/N, Zoe and Phil.
"Not yet. We need to wait for Dan to get back from the shops!"
"Ugh! Fine!" They all moan.
"Do you all want something to drink?" You stand up. "We have tea, beer, coffee and fizzy water?"
Most people ask for tea, but Jim and Alfie want beer and Phil has a coffee

As soon as you give everyone their drinks, Dan opens the door. Zoe quickly stands up and drags him into the room. He looks shocked, but doesn't say anything as he is pushed into the chair next to the one Phil is siting on.

"Ok. Now tell us what is going on. I NEED TO KNOW!" Y/F/N yells, sitting next to Alfie, who is taking a sip out of his beer.

"Ok!! Chill." You say.
"JUST SAY IT!!" They all scream, apart from Dan. He is just looking very confused.

"I've been keeping something from you. I wanted to tell you when we're all together. Dan. This is very important so pay attention." You take his hand and pull him up in front of everyone. He still looks very confused, now slightly concerned.

"I'm." You take a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant"

Dan's eyes widen and his mouth drops open. A squeal comes from behind you. You look at where the noise came from. 

Zoe, Louise, Phil, Sar, Lottie and Tanya are all squealing. Y/F/N is crying. Alfie, Jim, Chris, Joe, Caspar and Pj are smiling.

Arms wrap around your waist and pick you up. Dan hugs you and carries you around the room. "Hey!! Put me down!!" You giggle.

When he does, he kisses you. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He says in shock.
"You're gonna be a dad!" You repeat, smiling wildly.

"I'm so happy for you two!!" Phil hugs you both at once. So does Zoe Sar Joe Caspar Tanya Lottie Louise Jim and Alfie.

You turn to Y/F/N. Tears are still falling from their eyes. "I'm so happy. So happy for you two! I can't believe it!" They hug you tightly.
"Thank you so much" you let go and wipe the tears away from their eyes.

You turn back to Dan. He is still smiling. Slowly, you walk up to him and hug him tightly. He does the same.
"I love you Y/N" He whispers into your ear.

"I love you too Danny"

Taken. [Dan x reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat