The fantastic forsome

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You quickly clear your throat before saying "Phil, please may I see you for a minute?" You were smiling, you trying to say 'you are fu*king dead' with your eyes. This seems to work, because Phil walks after you, a sheepish look on his face.

You slam the door behind Phil.
"What the hell were you thinking?"
He looks at you innocently.
You roll your eyes. "Inviting Dan! Why?"
His eyes light up. "Oh my god! I wasn't thinking! I just invited him without thinking!! I'm sorry!"
"It's fine, but you could have told me! You told me about Chris and Peej!!"
"I invited him last minute! I am so sorry!"
"It's fine. Let's just get back out there."

You both walk in the room, but you stop at the door.
"Aren't you gonna join us Y/N?" Peej says, patting the space next to him.
"I'm fine. I'm gonna go to my room. Bye" you skip back to your room and lock the door behind you.

You run and jump onto the bed.
"UGHHHHHH!" You say. Probably too loudly, because you can hear laughing.

You browse Tumblr and listen to your music for hours. Soon, your stomach begins to rumble. You have to go outside the safety of your room. Great!

You unlock the door and walk to the kitchen. Guess who is there. Dan. Sh*t!

You ignore him as open the fridge.
"Oh, if you're hungry, we have some pizza left over in the front room." Dan smiles at you.
"Ok. Thanks" you walk out again.

"I knew you would come out for pizza!" Chris smiles at you. You smile back.
"What did ya get me?"
"(Favourite pizza topping)" Chris hands you a box.
"Awww! You know me so well!!" You grab the box.

Behind you, you hear Dan walk in.
"Thanks!" You walk out again, ignoring Dan. Quickly you shut the door and flop onto your bed

Taken. [Dan x reader]Where stories live. Discover now