Hyde Park

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*Next Day*

You have two hours until you need to meet Dan in the park. It'll take around 30 minutes to drive  there, so you have an hour and a half to get dressed.

I wonder why Dan wants to meet me there? Is it a date or are we just hanging out? What do I wear?

You decide on a red check dress and black high boots. You curl your hair. Then you put on some concealer, blush, highlight, grey eyeshadow, winged eyeliner and red mat lipstick.

It's 6:59 when you finish.

"Phil!! I'm going out!" You scream as you put your phone, keys and purse into your F/C bag.
"Cool! Where and who with?" Phil screams back.
"The park and Daniel!!"
"Oh" Footsteps can be heard as Phil runs up to you. He hugs you then says "Have fun!"
"Bye!" You skip out the door and climb into your car outside. You swear you could hear him squeal when you left. Strange.

You get to the park entrance at 7:30 on the dot. Dan is waiting there for you.

"Hey!" You run up and hug him.
"Hey. You look amazing!" He stutters, starring at you. You blush and look at the floor. "You don't look too shabby yourself!"
"Tanks very much."

"Ok. Why are we here?" You look at him again.
"I shall show you!" He grabs your hand and pulls you into the park. Your heart flutters when he takes it.

He pulls you further and further into the park.
"Are we there yet?" You complain.  He giggles and replies "Nearly. Now stop complaining!" You laugh again before skipping so you are walking next to him.

Finally, he stops.
"What's going on?" You whisper. Dan slips his hand out of yours. "Dan? Dan? Where are you?" You half whisper, half yell.

Suddenly, light surrounds you. It is so bright so you have to squint.
Once your eyes adjust to the light, you look at the source.

Dan is sitting on a swing that is attached to a tree covered in white fairy lights. You gasp.

"Y/N. Come here please" he says, softly.
Slowly you walk towards him on the swing. "Yes?" You whisper.
He pulls you onto his lap.

"Y/N. I've loved you from the first time I met you. When you saved me from your crazy parents. I'll admit, I was scared. I was basically crapping myself. But I'm so thankful it happened. It brought us together."
"We probably would have met anyway. We lived basically next door to each other!" You interrupt.
"Hey! You're ruining my speech! Anyway, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Sure, it hasn't all been smooth sailing, but I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I love you Y/N. Do you love me?" He looks at you, hope written all over his face.

You grin. "I do. I've loved you ever since 2009. I can imagine my life without you." You throw your arms around him and pull him to you.
"I love you Dan" you mutter into his shirt.
"I love you too, Y/N" dan relies.

You look into Dan's hazel eyes. He looks into your E/C eyes. You run your hand through his thick, brown hair. Slowly, you both lean in, closing your eyes. You kiss passionately, for minuets on end.

When you finally part, you rest your forehead on his.
"Is this why Phil was so excited when I left?" You ask. Dan giggles then nods.

Taken. [Dan x reader]Where stories live. Discover now