prologue ≫ boy who blushed.

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  • Dedicated to Jasmin Hemmings (Wifihemmings)

Beep. Beep. Beep.

It's a Monday morning, mid-August. I quickly opened my tired eyes and reached for my phone, which was playing multiple alarm tones. I hurriedly turned it off, I hated my annoying school alarm. I sighed as I stared at the ceiling. This is my first month back to school from summer vacation, and I already feel the need for another break. I have doubled the amount of homework from last year, and now that I'm a junior, my parents have been pressuring me to think about college. I am beyond stressed out.

"Jasmin, come downstairs, you're gonna be late." I heard my mom shout from downstairs.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Give me a sec, I'm getting ready." I yelled.

No answer, which meant I didn't have much time, according to my mom. I picked out an outfit and undressed myself out of my cozy pajamas. I sluggishly put my outfit on and sighed again, walking over to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth, and looked in the mirror.

Makeup or no makeup today? I thought to myself.

"JASMIN!" My mom yelled.

No makeup, no time.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my bag, walking over to my mom who was already at the front door.

"Got everything?" She asked me. I could hear the annoyance in her voice.

I nodded and she opened the front door, letting me out first. It was already warm outside, which meant it was going to be a hot day. I opened the car door and sat down in the passenger seat, waiting for my mom to start up the car and drive me to school.


I walked into the school and immediately pulled out my phone, to text my friend, Josie.

[ where are you? I'm in the front. ]

I locked my phone and slid it back into my shorts pocket. I walked to the bathroom, to wait for a text back. Walking there, I felt like people were staring at me.

No one's staring at you. It's just your imagination. I told myself.

I reached the bathroom finally, and pulled out my phone. I had a text from Josie.

[ I just got here, where do you want me to meet you? ]

I texted her back saying to meet me in the bathrooms, and waited. I checked the time and we had ten minutes until the bell rings, signifying first period. About a minute later, Josie walked in.

"Hey, Jas. Ugh, I didn't finish all of my homework. Mrs. Flannigan is gonna kill me. How was your weekend?" She said.

I felt like I could fall asleep any minute, this was going to be a long day.

"Okay I guess. Loads of homework, stuff like that." I smiled.

Josie was about to say something, but was cut off by the bell. We started to walk to our classes, and she went a separate way than me. I was alone again.


I rested my elbow on my desk, placing my chin in my hand. My eyes were straining to keep themselves open and alert. First period of the day and I'm already struggling to stay awake.

I scanned the classroom, looking for something else to stare at other than my teacher. I stopped on a motivational poster that my teacher had hung up. It said 'You Can Do It!', I rolled my eyes.

I went back to looking around the room, and stopped on someone who was staring at me. I watched him look away, and his cheeks getting red. This was a usual thing with him; he always stared at me first period. He's been doing this for the past year.. he started in the middle of my sophomore year. Whenever I caught him, he always looked away and blushed. I've never talked to him and he's never talked to me. It's just a silent game of staring, and I honestly didn't mind. He wasn't ugly or anything, in fact, he was kind of cute. The only thing I knew about him was his name, which was Luke.

Luke Hemmings.

I was still looking at him, and noticed that he had a very lovely profile. His nose curved up ever so slightly and it was the cutest thing. His head started to turn towards me and he caught me staring, so I hurriedly turned my head towards the teacher. I felt my cheeks turning red, and smiled. I snuck a glance back at him, and he was grinning back down at his paper, cheeks flushed.



if you haven't already, please check out the trailer for this story made by the wonderful Jasmin Hemmings, otherwise known on youtube as Wifihemmings!

The trailer means the world to me so please watch it and subscribe to her, she deserves it (:

anyways, i hope you enjoy my story because i enjoy writing it! (-:

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