The Prologue: An Unusual Meeting at King's Cross Station.

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Years Ago...

A goddess stood outside of King's Cross Station, intrigued by what she sensed. That morning, a strong aura drew her near the area. She followed her senses, which led her to the old train station.

She expected something powerful. A new, unclaimed demigod. Or maybe even a monster. Normally, this would have been a common observation that she wouldn't have looked twice at. But today, what she sensed was different. She sensed a power that even a demigod couldn't set off. It was something else; it was something more.

Strangely enough, the only peculiar thing that was observed was the fact that many children were leaving the station with their parents, almost all of these children having strange belongings. For example, a lot of these children had cages with birds pecking anxiously at the bars. Each of these birds were owls.

A sign of Athena, perhaps? The goddess thought to herself. Maybe, but the aura surrounding her was only growing stronger; it wasn't the sharp aura of Athena. It was more of a soft, light feeling. It was mysterious. This was something that the goddess wasn't entirely familiar with, though it felt similar to something she knew...

She was caught off guard, however, when she saw a familiar sight. A friend; an old friend at that.

The goddess stepped forward to the lady. The woman's long, dark hair and emerald eyes were something you couldn't forget.

"Hecate." The goddess spoke.

Hecate nodded.

"Hera. What an honor." Hecate said to the queen of gods. Though, she wasn't entirely interested. The goddess of magic was more interested in the children. She had watched them at the station twice every year. At the beginning of the school year and at the start of summer.

"What is happening here, Hecate? Are you plotting something?" Hera asked.

Hecate chuckled to herself. The queen of gods sounded like a curious child to her.

This was something bigger than the gods and goddesses. This was a world that had its own magic, not brought on by the immortals.

Hecate respected this side of magic. She wished it to remain untouched by the gods. Hera being here wasn't good news.

"I'm only going for an evening stroll, Hera. London is quite a magical town, figuratively of course."

"Do not lie to me," Hera commanded.

Hecate's expression remained unreadable; unpredictable, much like magic often is.

"I have some business to attend to. And I expect you better return to Olympus. I sense Camp Half-Blood is about to receive a new demigod. You never want to miss that, do you?"

"Do not distract me, for I am not ignorant. Now, I command you to tell me of what is happening here."

"I'm afraid it is not of the gods' business what is happening here, Hera. This world must remain untouched."

"Hecate," Hera warned, getting the infamous look in her eye. When Hera gets the look, it was best to listen.

"I--I shouldn't--" Hecate tried to see the possible scenarios to telling Hera, to lying, and to hiding away until Hera forgot.

Not telling Hera could result in punishment, and Hera was known to be ruthless.

Hiding away would be cowardly, and Hecate was powerful enough as it was. She didn't want to be viewed as a coward.

But telling Hera...she was nosy. This could result in connection between the demigod and the magical world. When such powers combine, the number of monsters, the amount of chaos that would occur? Unpredictable.

Hecate sighed. She noticed a group of children walking out of the station, saying goodbye to one another. The group contained a bushy haired girl, a red-haired boy, and a skinny boy with a peculiar scar. All were only the innocent age of eleven at the time.

They all seemed so full of life.

Hecate sensed the power circulating around the three.

She could tell they would accomplish great things.

Telling Hera about this world? It could take all of that away. It was a huge risk. But weighing her options, Hecate realized that not telling Hera was an even greater risk.

"Hera." She spoke, not quite realizing the consequences this action held with it. "Tell me, have you ever heard of Hogwarts?"

Hera is invasive. If she hears of a power that has a possibility of being greater than hers, much like the other immortals, she will feel threatened. And when the gods and goddesses feel threatened, they take part in doing what they are most famous for: invading other peoples' lives.

That afternoon, way up in Olympus, Hecate explained everything she knew about that magical world to Hera. Hera was interested, of course, as anyone would be hearing such stories of magic. Powerful forces like Voldemort were interesting to Hera and she wanted to learn more about them.

The plan was well thought out and well kept from Hecate.

A few years after that visit to the train station, after Hera expected Hecate had forgotten their little encounter, Hera went into action.

It was a bit of an experiment, Hera wanted to see how the two worlds would interact.

And what better test subjects are there than a few special Half-Bloods? Percy Jackson being the first one that came to Hera's mind.

Little did she know the trouble this would cause. Not just for the magical world, but for the mortals as well.

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