author's pov

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This part contains veeeeery minor Magnus Chase spoilers. The only thing it spoils are the abilities of Magnus and Alex. I didn't label where the spoilers were, as I did not see them as too big of a deal to spoil. But to anyone who hasn't read Magnus Chase, please let me know if you would prefer that I labeled where the spoilers were so you could read past them, or if that detail isn't a big deal to spoil and you don't care if I label it or not. If it's a problem I will be sure to label it! ❤️

A camper, a Satyr, and a huntress waited outside of a closed door. All of which looked beyond anxious. Though they were different in appearance, different in camps, and titles, their concerns were very much the same.

The man who had been referred to as Chiron stepped into the hallway. The trio had obviously been waiting for him, as when he stepped up the tension grew twice as thick.

"Can we--" Reyna, the camper with the purple shirt gestured towards the door.

Chiron nodded. "She's awake. I'm sorry, things are a bit behind in the infirmary without Will Solace. He's one of Apollo's best healers."

They didn't hesitate to open the door. Thalia, the huntress sat beside the bed. Reyna took the other side. Grover stood at the end.

"Hey, Rachel," Grover said. "How are you feeling?"

She shrugged.

"I've been better. Just tired. Though, my problems aren't exactly of great concern at the moment.

Reyna took notice of the notepad setting on Rachel's beside table. It was opened to a page that had a variety of nonsensical phrases and sketches all over it. The only thing Reyna made sense of was the familiar lines that Rachel had spoken the previous night at the campfire.

"Mother has angered magic, she's gone back on her word.

Half-Bloods are welcomed to a new, magical world.

The man in black is a villain, gone weak

Immortality is what he will seek

Light and dark listen in; not part of the plan.

Extinguished to a new, foreign land.

Seven half-bloods shall appear at the sight.

To wood or metal, they shall fight.

An oath is broken, and minds are changed.

All that is certain, is that things will never be the same."

It was the prophecy, the newest prophecy.

"What's all this?" Reyna asked. Rachel looked over the pages with Reyna, looked at the spot Reyna pointed to.

"Last night I woke up quite late after I passed out; sorry about that by the way. I had a dream, it was rather strange. I could only assume this was a vision. Before it could slip my mind, I jotted down all I had remembered in my sketch book."

On the paper, surrounding the words of the prophecy were various doodles and words. One doodle looked like a black horse. Another was a dark, cloaked figure. His face wasn't shown, his arm was extended towards a cage. In his hand was a brown stick with a vibrant, green light escaping the tip. In the cage was a woman, no doubt. Her face too was hidden, but instead of a cloak it was masked by her dark hair. She appeared to be begging the man for mercy. One may think it was hard to get all of that out of a drawing, but the person who doubted the talent of Rachel Elizabeth Dare had obviously never seen her work before. It was truly extraordinary how she managed to make such small doodles tell such deep, mysterious stories.

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