PART 3// Kenzie to Kelly

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"Oh yeah about that, I forgot to tell you he actually moves to this school today not tomorrow. Sorry" Lauren says with a giggle

Now I look like a stupid person and don't know what to do in this awkward situation.

"Am I missing something?when have you guys met?" Johnny ask

"Me and Kenz-I mean..k-kelly just met this moring" Lauren lies.

"Oh so her name is Kelly, Hi kelly" He smiles

"Um yeah, Hi. I think I gotta go home my mom's waiting for me" I give Lauren a quick hug and walk away.

"Okay see you tomorrow Kelly" Johnny waves to me and continue his conversation with Lauren.

He has no idea who I am
• • •
Now Johnny's life is going to be a lie, He doesn't know who I really am. Where did Lauren even come up with the Kelly name?

Oh well. I guess I just have to suit with being Kelly until I'm ready to tell him the truth.

I'm not ready to him. Well, not for now. Maybe someday.

As I arrive at home, I go up to my room, put my bag down, and undress myself to get a relaxing bath.
After drying up, I squeeze in my comfy pajamas and tuck myself in bed.

What an exhausting day.

I hear my door room crack open and feel my bed sink signing someone is lying down beside me.

"Hey how's your day hun" Mom Asks me while soothing my hair in a parenting manner.

"Crappy" I said shortly

"Have you met John today? Meredith said Johnny moved to your school. I know its going to be difficult but maybe you guys can be friends again like you were 9 years ago" Mom tells ms

"Yeah I met him, He didn't recognize me at all, and Lauren told him my name was Kelly like how is he suppose to remember who I was when he doesn't even know my name, This is just..lame" I sigh

"I'm sure you'll figure something out darling" My mom is the best person to come up to when I have problems, I always love being open to her whenever I can. I trust her more than I trust my best friends.

"Thanks mom"

She kisses my forehead and ask me if I want to eat dinner downstairs but I deny her offer. Right now I'm not in the mood of doing anything.

All of this is confusing.
A/N: I really love writing but when nobody reads it I don't have that energy anymore.
please tell your friends to stop by and read a little. thanks xo

-The Z

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