Chapter 1: My So Called Friends

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With help from: MyShadesOfAngel

SO FOLLOW HIM. He's really nice, he helped proof everything as best as we could and helped  me send this off. 

Thanks for everything, bro.

CHAPTER 1: My So Called Friends

"You won't get away now, runt!" Eggman yells confidently as he chases Amy through the desolate woods.

Amy is panting, almost completely out of breath, as she soon finds herself at a dead end. With nowhere to run she faces Eggman and summons her piko piko hammer into her hands. Eggman laughs as she lunges at him, battle cry and all, and is ultimately unable to cause any damage to his robot as she repeatedly swings her pink hammer to no avail.

"You know that it is useless don't you, little girl?!" Eggman chuckles as he sees tears forming in her eyes as she keeps trying to break down the machine somehow. Despite her best efforts she cannot cause any change in Eggman's machines. Just like Eggman, even she can see that her attempts are useless. She would have been in the same mess even if she had done nothing.

"That's the reason I chose you, you know. You're the only one of Sonic's friends that can't defend themselves. Even the little fox boy can handle himself in a fight against me. But you-" Eggman slaps Amy with his robot's arm and she slams hard against a nearby tree as she yelps in pain.

Amy struggles to stand up but somehow manages to get to her feet. Still holding her piko piko hammer she tries to attack Eggman again. Her tears are masking her vision now as they begin streaming down the pink hedgehog's face. She can't hide how much his words are hurting her no matter how hard she tries. Eggman hits Amy again and walks over to the now defenseless Amy Rose as her hammer flies out of view.

He's hovering over her now, showing her how powerless she is with his stance alone.

"You'll be the perfect bait for that pesky blue rodent and his friends. And it'll be because of you that I'll finally capture that blue boyfriend of yours." He gloats as he smiles smugly at her, "I just can't wait to see the look on his face when-YOW!" Eggman's robot suddenly slams head first into the tree directly in front of him and he quickly turns to face a red echidna's fists coming once again to smash the head of his machine. The robot is no match for his fists as Eggman's robot topples backwards due to Knuckles' punch and the glass covering Eggman shatters.

Sonic dashes and grabs Amy as Eggman's robot is about to land on top of her. Sonic releases Amy a little further away but still within view of Eggman and his robot. Sonic smiles at Amy and winks at her, "Don't worry Amy, we've got this!" He says excitedly to cheer Amy up as he throws the thumbs up sign and quickly returns to the fight to help Knuckles finish off Eggman.

Knuckles tries to take Eggman out of his machine but then Eggman blasts him with missiles. The echidna flies through the air but Sonic uses his spin dash to send both missiles down to earth. Knuckles recuperates and Sonic and him both make their landing.

"Sorry Sonic, I must be getting sloppy." Knuckles smirks as he looks at the doctor.

"No worries buddy, we've got him now."

"That's what you think!" Eggman cries out suddenly.

Sonic and Knuckles get ready to fend off Eggman's next attack only to see that Eggman's machine is still on its back, staring up at the sky.

"Eggman, is this a joke?" Knuckles asks as he tries to figure out if Eggman is taking their fight seriously.

Sonic has both hands on his knees as he begins to laugh uncontrollably as he watches Eggman's futile attempts to make his robot stand up. Everything about this scene makes the blue hero laugh as he stares in amusement as the doctor has begun trying to sway his robot side to side in a desperate attempt to get the robot to stand on his feet, much like a turtle trying to roll over to its side when it lands belly up.

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