Chapter 22: Hanging Around

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Chapter 22: Hanging Around

Shadow wasn't sure if the plan had worked or not. He wondered if Sonic was stupid enough to fall for, what he felt, was such an obvious trap. He waited for a while in the same part of the forest where Sonic had left him.

Well, he did his best to wait patiently for the blue hedgehog to return. This was his rival after all, if he couldn't see through a simple trick like this then he had no right to call himself that. But, after waiting for quite some time he realized that the plan he had thought would fail had succeeded.

"I didn't think he was that stupid." Shadow muttered, almost disappointed.

He was hoping that Sonic was smarter than that.

Shadow had to admit that it did feel good running at light speed again, he couldn't be so quick with Amy. Although he realized that he probably didn't need to run so wildly. He could have had the same effect running in a straight line.

Shadow sighed, "Guess I'll go call Tails."

The black hedgehog dialed the yellow fox who answered right away, "What's wrong?"

"Are you okay?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Tails responded.

"What was Sonic doing at your lab?"

"Waiting for you and Amy."

Shadow groaned, "I didn't think that he would do that if we left."

"Well, he kept waiting for you at your campsite."

"Yeah, glad we left when we did."

"Are you the reason why Sonic isn't coming back to the lab?"

This caught Shadow's attention, "What?"

"He called to tell me that he isn't coming back today."

"Is that so?"

"Thanks for giving me a break." Tails laughed.

"Right, I have to get back." Shadow replied.

"Good luck." The young fox said happily and hung up on Shadow.

He wasn't sure why but it had made Shadow rather uncomfortable with how nice Tails was acting towards him. The black hedgehog summed it up to getting used to people and left it at that.

The ultimate life form looked down at his Connector to check on Amy's vital signs, "She hasn't done shit today." he realized as he continued watching the steady heart rate on his screen.

And then he looked straight forward, he was beginning to become conscious of the fact that he was stalling. Shadow couldn't believe that he had stopped everything he was doing in the hopes of racing the blue hero again. He was disgusted with himself for wasting his precious time on him.

He looked behind him, now he would have to run back to Angel Island. That would be fun; Shadow rolled his eyes at that thought.

As Shadow headed towards Knuckles and Amy, he wondered if Sonic had figured out that they had played him.

Sonic was rather ticked off as he glared at Amy's house and then back at the woods.

He couldn't believe that he had let the faker trick him so easily. It all made sense now, there were times where he had completely lost track of Shadow and then he would reappear so that he would know which direction to head in. Sonic growled as he continued looking off into the distance. The blue hedgehog faced Amy's door and then looked at her bag.

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