Chapter 7: In Need of Help

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Chapter 7: In Need of Help

Tails had fallen asleep at his desk, he had been trying to build a new machine, but he couldn't seem to figure out what it was that he had wanted it to do. He hadn't even realized he had been sound asleep until he heard a loud persistent knocking at his door.

It was late in the middle of the night; he had no clue why anyone would come visit him now. The person who was banging on the door seemed to be in a rush but Tails casually sat up and walked over to the door in a daze.

"Miles, open up!"

Tails stopped in his tracks, "Shadow?"

He quickly grabbed something to defend himself with as he stood by the door, "I don't know what beef you have with Sonic, but he's not here!"

"This isn't about the faker!"

Tails was surprised, why had Shadow come here if it didn't involve Sonic?

"What is it about then?" Tails asked cautiously.

"It's Amy."

Tails quickly opened the door to find Shadow carrying Amy in his arms, he was dumbfounded. What was Shadow doing with Amy?"

"What happened to her?" Tails directed Shadow to put her in his room and Shadow set Amy on his bed.

"It was her stomach."

"Her stomach?" Tails questioned as he looked towards Amy, she looked like she was out cold.

After seeing Tails' confusion Shadow quickly moved Amy's shirt to reveal the bandages that had her blood smeared over them, "I don't know what to do. She hasn't woken up, and I knocked her out." he sounded panicked.

"You knocked her out?!" Tails cried out, after all of that this was what had it had taken to wake up the young fox.

"She kept screaming and screaming so I-"

"Okay, well she's here now it's fine." Tails looked at Amy,

"But is she?" Shadow motioned towards Amy.

Tails tried to keep his composure as he watched the unconscious pink hedgehog that was lying on his bed. "What did you do exactly?"

"I put disinfectant on her wound and put bandages around her."

"What did you do after that?"

"I waited for her to wake up." Shadow glanced towards Amy and then back at Tails, "But, she never did."

Tails walked over to a dresser in his room and placed down his wrench, his sad attempt at a weapon, and grabbed a flashlight from his drawer.

He checked her eyes to see that she was completely out cold. He turned it off and looked towards Shadow, "She's really out of it right now."

Tails blushed as he realized that Shadow was looking at the wrench that he had left on the dresser.

"What was that for?" Shadow asked as he pointed with his head towards it.

Tails looked away from Shadow for a moment as he realized how stupid he had been to think that he could stop the ultimate life form with a common wrench, "It's nothing."

Shadow shrugged and watched him as he continued inspecting Amy.

Tails took a glimpse at Amy and then to Shadow, "So what exactly happened?" he questioned.

"We were training."

"Training?" Tails was puzzled, "You were training...with Amy?"

"Yes, she set off a trap and got hurt."

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