Chapter 3: Splinter Dance

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Chapter 3: Splinter Dance

Amy had been shocked to find that rather than a physically straining day, that she had had a rather easy one. She had watched Shadow as he gathered up supplies, strung things up together as he made God knows what, and then disappear into the woods out of sight. Whatever he was doing he never returned with what he had made. What was he doing that he had to keep going back into the woods for?

She decided that she would try to get some rest after watching him all this time and had decided she should take advantage of Shadow's lack of preparation and get some rest. She had been sitting so she just laid back and tried closing her eyes. She could still hear him fumbling with something.

"Get up."

So much for that nap. She stayed laying down and glared at Shadow with her head lazily turned towards him. "You're still not done with whatever it is your doing." She growled.

"This isn't rest time." He snapped but his tone wasn't as angry as it would have been, he was really trying to focus on what he was doing. He got up to leave with his creation and looked at Amy, but just barely, "This is the last one anyways."

Shadow had taken Amy deep into the woods. He had walked towards the center of it which was surrounded by trees from every direction. Amy was taking in the view and wondering why Shadow had brought her here.

"Come here." He commanded, using his head to lazily motion her in front of him.

While closing in the distance between them she suddenly heard a strange vrrrrr-ing sound coming from above her. What the hell? Suddenly it appeared out of nowhere, a tree held together by rope, had come swinging towards her. She was so surprised by it that she didn't even consider running out of the way an option. She tried in vain to shield herself with her arms.

Just as quickly as the tree had come down Shadow came and stopped the tree in its tracks.

"If it wasn't clear, I was trying to show you how to dodge."

"What?" She was still stunned to find that the black hedgehog had been constructing traps this whole time. "You could have just said that!"

"And reflexes." He replied back calmly, "If I told you what I was doing, you would have been prepared. I needed you off guard."

Amy was angry with how the black hedgehog had handled things but understood his reasoning if that's what this part of the training was for. Or, at least he claimed that this was what it was for. She still couldn't tell if she could really take his word for anything after all of the harsh treatment he had put her through. The only nice thing he had done for her so far was offering to train her when no one else would and even that kindness she felt had been done to satisfy the black hedgehog's sadistic tendencies.

"Did you really think that you could stop it from smashing into you, Rose?" He snickered.

Why did he always have to act like this?

"Fine, I get it." She looked around. Where were the other traps? Because after spending all of this time with Shadow she knew he wouldn't just stop at one.

"Alright, I need to put this back. Let's start over."

Amy had waited for Shadow to finish setting up the trap again. She thought that Shadow would watch her from a distance but he was only about eight steps away from her. She did note however that he was sticking by the tree behind him. His arms were crossed and he realized that she was looking at him.

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