Chapter 29: Chase and Warning

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Chapter 29: Chase and Warning

Sonic was waiting patiently for Shadow to leave his campsite, he could hardly hear the black hedgehog while he was talking to, what he assumed was either Rouge or Tails, only because it appeared that the two of them had become very tight recently. Then he heard Shadow utter four words that he had never expected to hear from the supposed 'ultimate life form': "I need Sonic's number."

Sonic was confused by this; he had never thought that Shadow would ever be interested in finding him. Sonic was also surprised to find that not only had Shadow asked for his number, but that he had also immediately begun dialing someone on his communicator.


The blue hero quickly turned off his ringer and covered the blinking light on his communicator signaling that Shadow was calling him.

And then suddenly, something that he had never expected to happen happened, as a hoarse voice spoke confidently on his communicator:

"Faker, I know you're here."

Sonic frantically began trying to lower the volume on his communicator the very moment that Shadow's voice came out.

He could only watch as Shadow instantly faced his way as he heard his voice coming from his direction.

Shit, he knows.

Sonic continued staring at the black hedgehog from the distance. The ultimate life form's face showed his obvious disdain at the revelation that his rival was nearby and pinched the skin above his nose with a dark smile on his face. He sighed and then quickly escaped into the forest.

"What the-" Sonic immediately scrambled after him.

The blue hedgehog followed the bright red streak through the forest but tried staying far enough away that maybe Shadow wouldn't notice him. Sonic figured that Shadow hadn't returned to his camp in so long after figuring that he was there waiting for him. He was hoping to find out where Shadow had decided to settle down; obviously he hadn't been at his camp for quite some time which meant that he must be living somewhere else now.

He continued following the streak of light until it turned into a circle. Like someone had made a loop back. At this realization the blue hero stopped and looked behind him, "How long did you know I was following you?" Sonic chuckled as he saw that his rival was standing behind him.

"Why are you following me?" Shadow asked, his arms crossed defensively in front of him.

"Where have you been staying at Shads?" Sonic smiled.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Why don't you want to tell me?" Sonic snickered.

Shadow took a deep breath and quickly grazed past Sonic and shot through the forest.

Sonic sped after him, "Are you taking me there right now?" he joked.

"Not even close."

"Then where are we going?" Sonic persisted.

"We're not going anywhere." Shadow sneered and hastened his pace.

"C'mon faker, it's so rare for us to get together." He jeered as he continued following his rival through the forest.

"I would prefer to lower the amount of time we spend together."

"Awe c'mon Shads," Sonic teased, "I know you love me."

The black hedgehog looked back and shot the blue hero a disgusted expression at this comment and dashed out of sight.

Sonic ran after him, figuring that Shadow had probably thought that he could lose him easily and probably hadn't bothered to cover his tracks.

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