Chapter 4: Black Out

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Chapter 4: Black Out

"Hey Rose." Shadow was still standing over the unconscious pink hedgehog and waved his hand over her face. What on earth? Was that all she had needed to put her under? How long did it normally take people to regain consciousness? He had already been staring at her for three minutes waiting for her to wake up on her own. How much longer did she need? Shadow lost his patience.




He tried nudging her awake with his foot. "Rose." He kicked her again, "Are you still going to be able to train?" She groaned but she didn't wake up. Well, at least that means she's alive, he thought. But, what was he supposed to do with her now?

Shadow had been tending to the fire while Amy laid unconscious in his sleeping bag only a few steps away from him.


He turned to see that Amy was moving restlessly in her sleep. He had heard her making sounds for a while now but didn't know how to make her stop. He walked over to her and looked down at Amy. She was making faces in her sleep too.

That was when he realized what was wrong with her. Sure, he had taken her to where he had been camping out but he had never bothered to see if she was alright. He had forgotten that some people couldn't handle pain as well as he could.

He had never expected that log to actually have made contact with her. He had only looked away from her for a moment and the next thing he knew it had mowed her down in an instant. It had almost looked comical.

Actually the whole thing had surprised Shadow; the fact that she was easily overtaken by only five traps was pretty pathetic. He had overestimated her; he had thought that she would be ready for something as simple as that.

He groaned and sat down next to her. He replayed the impact in his head. Her stomach had been hit, right? I should probably check how that is, he thought and moved Amy's shirt up enough that he could see the dark cuts and bruises that the log had left. He was surprised at how dangerous his training had been after all.

"I guess I'll have to go easier on her next time." He said aloud but as he thought about it he realized that he would be doing no favors for her if she truly wanted to get stronger. Things like this would probably happen to her in the future. She needed to learn that everything she did had a cause and effect. If she had been fighting for real, her recklessness would have gotten her killed or at the very least taken advantage of. He settled, "Okay, I'll just have to be more cautious."

Amy's vision was coming back to her. The blurriness had faded and her ears had stopped ringing. She tried to sit up and suddenly felt a pain in her stomach.

"Ouch." She managed to sit up as she held her stomach and tried to adjust to the darkness.

Wait, darkness? How long had she been out?

She looked down to realize that she had been lying inside of a sleeping bag. Amy turned her head to the left as she noticed the sound of a fire crackling.

She could barely see the black hedgehog tending to the fire; his face was lit up from the flames. Shadow could feel himself being watched and turned to see Amy. "You're awake."

Amy watches as Shadow walks over to her and crouches down. He grabs the top of her head and pushes her back down with the palm of his hand.

"Go back to sleep."

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