Chapter 16: Escape

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Chapter 16: Escape

Tails was sitting outside of his lab, it wasn't a place that the yellow fox was used to but it was better than the alternative. Which was dealing with Shadow and Amy screaming at each other. He could no longer focus on his inventions or anything else for that matter without constantly wondering how the two had lasted so long together in the first place. He couldn't understand it.

No matter how hard he had tried their constant fighting had made it difficult for him to keep his thoughts on his work. He was going to go nuts staying there. Tails was sure of it. It was only made worse by the fact that he could not ask the two to stop as it would interfere with Amy's recovery.

Shadow had gotten Amy much stronger than Tails had thought he would be able to. What seemed to work for her was arguing with Shadow as she walked around his living room. It seemed to help mask her pain and it looked as though it were working since she could now walk by herself at a decent pace.

Tails sighed as he looked up at the sky wondering what to do now that he had almost been herded out of his lab. He knew why the two were ticking each other off but it still bothered him enough that he had left his own home. He was beginning to wonder what he should do with himself now, when he received an incoming call from Sonic.

"Hey Sonic, what do you want?"

"Tails, can you meet me somewhere?"

Tails looked back towards his lab as he recalled the two shouting hedgehogs he had left in his living room, "I'll be right there."

"Stop stepping on my feet, Rose."

"As if I could stomp through your ridiculous metal shoes." She sneered.

"Ridiculous?" He scoffed, "Not as ridiculous as that look on your face."

"Is that what you say every time you look in the mirror?"

"Ha." Shadow smirked, as kept egging Amy on as he led her around Tails' workshop.

Shadow had been facing Amy as he walked backwards around Tails' living room. He knew that he had to face her to make sure that she wouldn't fall while he was distracted. It was hard enough for him to argue with her and keep an eye on his whereabouts. As he watched Amy he could normally get hints if he was about to smack into something because she would end up looking at the obstacle in his way. She wouldn't warn him if he was approaching anything however, in fact it seemed as though she were waiting for it.

"You didn't say no." Amy snickered as she continued following him.

"Please, with a face like this?" He teased.

"Still not getting a no."

"I didn't hear you disagree, Rose."

She scoffed, "You really do think too highly of yourself."

"Who else is going to think so?" He shrugged, as he continued leading her around the room.

"No one probably says it to you because your ego is already over inflated."

"Ha, you're very funny today." Shadow responded snidely.

"You say that as though you meant for it to be hurtful."

"Well, if you wanted a job as a clown you'd have it."

"Ha ha, now you're the funny one." She joked.

"Guess I'll have to change careers."

Shadow quickly glanced at his Connector, she should still be fine for a little longer, "How are you feeling?"

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