Chapter 37: Thoughts

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Chapter 37: Thoughts

The blue hero couldn't believe what he had been reduced to. He had thought that of all people that his little brother, the boy genius, would be able to help him figure out what to do, but he hadn't. It seemed that even with how smart his brother was that there was no saving Sonic the Hedgehog from the one thing that he was praying would kill him.


So, bored in fact that he was beginning to hate himself for agreeing with Tails that he should take his time to inspect Amy as thoroughly as he deemed fit. One might say it was an act of revenge on Amy if they knew that she was now suffering through a taste of his own personal Hell, something that he had personally endured when his brother had scoured his injuries for as long as he had, however the blue hero was sure that revenge didn't often affect the one that was trying to inflict it ten billion times worse than the one that they were trying to get vengeance on so people would be wrong in that respect.

Could time go any slower?

Was that even possible right now?

Although in most cases the blue hero was sure that Tails was too cautious when it came to injuries way more than he needed to be, he figured that in this case that he should let the fox have his way and look over her until he was satisfied that she was not bleeding, bleeding internally, at risk of losing an organ, nursing a cracked rib, or the fox's all time favorite, that this wound was going to be the one that might cause a person their life. And even if Tails could get over all of his usual anxieties over wounds and the like, he was certain that Shadow would have kept him there until he was satisfied with Amy's care.

This he figured was true of someone that the black hedgehog actually cared for because he, despite not liking him, had been as thorough as Sonic had allowed him to be and he had still painstakingly examined his injuries for almost half an hour. Even if Sonic had to admit that he had stayed put for ultimate life form back in the woods longer more so for the sheer oddness rather than for the necessity.

It would have been an understatement to say that he had been surprised that Shadow had looked after him, even if it had been done because Shadow had owed Tails for taking care of Amy. It had still been nice of him. He hadn't lied about that, despite, well, the oddness. Other than the constant sparring, it had been the closest that he had ever been to Shadow without either of them trying to clock the other. Which is what made it so odd to him. Which was why odd was the only other way to describe it.

If it had been anyone else, Sonic was sure that he would have booked it within the first couple of minutes, Tails excluded because the fox was the closest thing to family that he had and for that reason he found himself complying with most of his demands, but this had been Shadow. Someone who had constantly tried keeping him at bay and for that very reason made Sonic unwilling to interrupt Shadow while he had checked on his injuries the first time. The second time being a totally different thing altogether because he had had his full of holding still and was peeved to stay put for a second time.

He had gotten used to Tails examining his wounds over the years after the kid had gotten old enough to understand that even his older brother wasn't immune to everything. That with Sonic putting himself in danger practically every day that one day the odds might go against him and that he could end up seriously hurt or even dead. The idea that even heroes weren't immune to death seemed to have struck a chord in his brother because immediately afterwards the fox had begun studying medical books on hedgehogs and had somehow managed to hunt down a book about their endangered echidna friend as well. It had certainly been a shock for Sonic anyways when he had come to the lab after a particularly fierce battle with Eggman and was met with his brother performing an exam and treating his wounds as though he weren't an inventor, but a doctor.

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