Chapter 9: An Understanding

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Chapter 9: An Understanding

Shadow had woken up early in the morning. He could tell that it was early because of how quiet it was.

He had been pacing around in a circle with his arms crossed, wondering what to do with him-self. He wasn't used to being in a closed space. Shadow had been camping everywhere he went rather than sleeping in a space dedicated for him. He lacked the commitment to dedicate him-self to a certain area. The forest where he met Amy was actually the closest thing to "home" that he had at this point.

Shadow walked over to where he had last seen Tails. The young fox hadn't been lying when he said that he slept at his desk at times. He had a device in front of him that's panel was opened and Tails still had a screw driver in his hand. Shadow picked him up and set him on the couch. He figured it was the least he could do for letting him sleep there.

He wondered why Tails had offered him a place to rest. Shadow felt that he could trust Tails but couldn't understand why he had felt the same about him. He still wasn't used to the idea that someone wanted him around. He was still getting used to the fact that Rouge liked having him around and now he had to deal with two others. It surprised him.

Shadow looked towards the room that Amy was in. He decided to walk over and check on the pink hedgehog, he wanted to make sure her wounds hadn't reopened while she slept.

He walked up to the bed to see her asleep. It was the only time she looked peaceful, the only time he could see her calm. It was when she woke up that he knew trouble would start.

He sat next to her anyways and watched her sleep. He looked at where she was injured but wasn't sure if it would be fine for him to do this. Sure, he hadn't really asked for her permission before but that was only because in those cases she was knocked out and couldn't give her consent. Shadow didn't need her trying to hit him again; he didn't want to deal with that right now.

He sighed as he tried to calm himself and looked at her stomach again. It wasn't bleeding through her shirt but he couldn't tell how bad it really was if he didn't look at the source. Shadow focused and decided to check.

He pulled up her shirt to the point where he could see the bandages. They needed to be changed, he realized. There was some discoloration on the bandages. It wasn't much blood but he figured he should replace them with fresh ones. Shadow had started to unwind the bandages from her; he could slowly see the extent of her injuries as he removed the gauze.

Shadow still couldn't believe that this had happened to her. He had thought she was strong enough to handle the training. Had he been too confident in him-self and just thought that she would be fine because he had trained her? He shook his thoughts away as he looked closer at her injuries. She might need disinfectant, he realized. Her wounds had some of her dried blood around them. He didn't want it to get infected.

But that meant-He would have to deal with her screaming again. Shadow didn't really know if he could handle that for a second time. He had head-butted her to keep her quiet last time because he hadn't known what to do. He didn't know what he might do if he had to do that again. He wondered if Tails would be better to deal with this. Tails was just like Amy, if it looked bad to Tails he would know when to stop or keep going, right? At the same time Shadow realized that Miles was a child, it would be unfair of him to give him such a burden. But, wouldn't it be better from someone who could understand your limitations?

Shadow was still trying to figure out what to do. How should he handle this? He doubted that this was something that Amy could just sleep through. He wondered if he should try knocking her out again, although it appeared that it had bothered Amy that he had done that in the first place. He was torn as he looked at Amy and then her wound.

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