Chapter 30: Appearances

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Chapter 30: Appearances

Sonic had been sure that he would have to find his rival in either to force him to endure his company, but to his surprise Shadow had contacted him.

"So, where are we going to meet, Shads?" The blue hero responded playfully to his call.

"Where ever you like." Shadow responded.

"How about your new campsite, Shads?" Sonic questioned, but already knew what the black hedgehog's answer would be.

"Anywhere, but there." Shadow emphasized.

"You're too honest." Sonic snickered, "You could have just told me 'sure' and say that a different spot was your camp."

"That's a good idea for later."

Sonic grinned, "Later? Planning to meet up with me again some other time?"

A pause, "No, but I have this horrible feeling that you and I will be around each other a lot more after this." the ultimate life form confessed.

"So, your impression of me today is pretty good so far?"

"Don't push it."

"I'll take that as a yes."Sonic laughed.

He laughed again as he heard the black hedgehog sigh in reply.

"How about back at your old camp?" The blue hero mused.

It was quiet for a moment and then dryly, "Are you at my old campsite right now?"

"What? No." Sonic looked around at the burnt out fire, a sleeping bag, and a first aid kit, "What makes you say that?"

"...You want me to walk over to you?"

"I said I'm not at your old campsite, Shads."

Was Shadow watching him?

"You're not?"

"I'll admit, I've got your stuff on me now." Sonic glanced towards the first aid kit and the sleeping bag, "But, I'm not at your camp."

"Right." Shadow responded skeptically.

"When we meet up I was going to give you your stuff back."

"...I'll take the first aid kit, but I have no intention of using that sleeping bag again."

"What? Why not?"

Avoiding the question, "Fine, my old camp. Let's meet there." Shadow then mumbled, "Or more like, I'll meet you there."

"What a funny way to dodge the question." Sonic teased.

"Shut up. You got what you wanted didn't-" Shadow's voice came to a sudden stop.

"Shadow? Shadow, what's wrong?" Sonic asked, had they gotten disconnected?

The black hedgehog's voice returned, "Rose, what are you doing here?"

Rose? Amy? Amy was with Shadow?

"I'm asking you again, please just train me." She begged.

"I don't have time to play now. Go away."

"I'm not playing, I'm serious!"

"Your voice is irritating and so is his," Shadow stated and at his comment Sonic's eyes narrowed as he understood that that was meant for him, "I can only stand one pest a day."

"Then, I'll come back tomorrow-"

"No, I already told you I didn't want to help you train." the rough voice responded coldly.

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