Chapter 20: Fox Hound

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Chapter 20: Fox Hound

Tails was working in his workshop as he glanced off to his right where Sonic had made himself at home as he sat in a chair he had dragged from his living room into the room they were both in.

"What makes you think that they'll come back here?" Tails questioned as he ogled his friend in his overly relaxed state.

"What? Well, they have to." Sonic responded as he looked at his best friend smugly, as though he held all of the answers.

"Amy's not hurt anymore." Tails informed him.

"I figured as much when I didn't see her here." Sonic shrugged.

Two Days Ago-

Sonic had almost slammed himself into Tails' lab as he charged towards it. He didn't want to give Shadow another chance to run off again. Sonic figured that the black hedgehog had only stayed there the last time he visited because he had shown up so suddenly. He hoped that the same strategy would work again.

Sonic knocked on the door, "Shads, open up!"

Sonic watched as the door opened but rather than Shadow, whom he was expecting, it was Tails.

"You hiding the 'ultimate life form' again?" Sonic joked as he ruffled Tails' fur and stepped inside as he scanned the room.

"Sonic, I think I know why Shadow doesn't want to be your friend." Tails chuckled, as he fixed his fur.

"What?" Sonic answered arrogantly, "That guy loves me." he claimed as he held his hands to his waist as he continued looking around the room and then his eyes went to Tails, "You seem much better."

Tails was surprised, he pointed to himself, "Me?"

"Yeah you." Sonic was eyeing him closely; it was easy to tell that the yellow fox was much more relaxed than the last time they had met.

"I take it Shadow left then, huh?" Sonic recognized as he looked back at the couch and noticed that the tools that had been there before were back. He was fully aware of Tails sleeping at his desk rather than his bed, so he figured that with Amy on his bed that there had been someone else spending the night at his home.

"Yup." Tails smiled as he crossed his arms.

"I guess I'll go visit Amy then." Sonic was about to walk towards Tails' bedroom.

"She's fine." Tails stopped him.

Sonic faced Tails again as he glanced towards his room, "She isn't here either?"

"No, she left."

"She left?"

"The instant she looked better Shadow left and then she did too."

Sonic narrowed his eyes and looked off to the side, "The instant, huh?" he began thinking about what Shadow had told him. How Shadow had said he would help Amy get better. Had he seriously taken him that literally? Shadow was a strange guy for sure, but he hadn't expected Shadow to be the type of person who took things word for word.

Sonic looked over at Tails and then thought about Amy. Tails and Amy had both tried defending Shadow, which was odd because he figured that the two hadn't known each other very long to be so protective of his rival.

It had also surprised Sonic that Shadow had managed to deal with one of his friends this long, but two? That was where things had gotten suspicious for him. He could maybe understand it if he had been forced to speak to one of them, get used to them and then add another. But what were the chances of that being the case?

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