Chapter 34: After the Battle

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Chapter 34: After the Battle

Shadow and Tails were both gawking at the door as the obvious sounds of a fight continued coming from inside Tails' lab. The two were stuck in place, staring at it unsure of what to do and how to handle the situation. Especially because it was very clear that one of the hedgehogs was extremely angry and the both of them knowing that it wasn't Sonic because he only rarely lost his temper.

Amy on the other hand...

"Maybe we should just leave them alone to figure it out?" Shadow offered, thinking in all honesty that whatever was going on could be handled by finishing their fight.

Finally snapping out of his dazed state at the black hedgehog's words, the yellow fox turned to face him. "What?"

"It might work out better this way, maybe once they get it out of their system they'll be okay?" Shadow suggested.

Tails raised an eye ridge. "You can't be serious."

"I doubt that they'd really hurt each other."

The young fox narrowed his eyes. "You say that after she hit Sonic so hard that she knocked him out?"

Shadow shrugged. "It was just a thought."

Tails was looking back at his front door as the sounds of the struggle were still audible. "And what would have been the plan anyways? After they beat the daylights out of each other they'd shake hands and become the best of friends?"

Surprised at how comfortable Tails was being with him now, especially compared to how he had been acting before, he only nodded in agreement. "You do have a point."

Tails looked back at him. "What's the real reason you want them duking it out?" He asked with his arms folded but very aware of the continuing battle.

"I had thought about having Sonic help Rose out with her training, but if they could do it now..."

Tails scoffed, "You just don't want to have to see him again later, huh?"

Another shrug. "What's the worst they could do alone together? They're just-" SMASH! "Talking."


"I didn't mean to do that, I swear!"

"You did, too!"

"I swear, I didn't!"


"Just talking, huh?" Tails asked with an eye ridge raised, with a very clear 'I told you so' look on his face.

Shadow sighed. "Let's go."

Tails opened the door and they both took in the surroundings in an instant as they entered the yellow fox's lab. Shadow and Tails were stunned as they now looked at the remains of the battleground with Amy and Sonic's argument in the background mainly consisting of Amy screaming, "You did!" and Sonic yelling, "I didn't!" back at her. But this was all lost on the two as they both stared at the destruction.

Everything to the left of Tails' lab was perfect, nothing even an inch out of place and Shadow had to admit that he was relieved about that much because Tails' coffee table was on the left side, meaning that Tails wouldn't have to completely start over.

The right side of the lab was an entirely different story. Some of Tails' tools had been closer to the right side of the room and this was made more evident by the fact that some cogs and nails had skid across the young fox's living room and Shadow hoped that it was Sonic that had ridden across Tails' living room when they had spilled. Some plane parts were split in half or broken considerably. And then Shadow began wondering, as he caught sight of Tails' fridge, whether that hedgehog like dent had always been there.

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