Chapter 31: Getting to Know You Better

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Chapter 31: Getting to Know You Better

The yellow fox was removing the stray tools that had wandered back onto his couch and piled them off to the side, where they would be out of view from his front door, but where anyone sitting there would definitely notice them, he mused. Despite this he continued picking up tools and other things that were taking up too much space to make his home more presentable to the guests that would be arriving soon.

He sighed; he still couldn't believe that this was happening.

Earlier This Morning-

"Hey, Tails. Don't freak out or anything but, I kind of, sort of, knocked out Sonic."

"You did what?" The yellow fox blinked as he answered the voice on his Connector.

"It was an accident, but he's...all right." Amy stated uncomfortably.

"All right? Since when is being knocked out, all right?" Tails snapped, more so with concern than anger.

"Well, it hasn't been very long. I mean he's still knocked out but-"

"Still?!" Tails repeated incredulously, "How hard did you hit him?!" Tails asked and then once the shock passed, "How did you hit him?!"

"I-uh, kind of guilt tripped him." Amy chuckled nervously.

"Well, is he okay?!" Tails persisted.

"Oh, uh, Shadow's going to check on him right now." Amy said trying to sound as optimistic as possible to calm the yellow fox on the other line.

It didn't work.

"You're only saying that because you're the one who hit him!"

"I had to!"

"Is he okay, or not?!"

"Still looking." Shadow's voice called out, somehow finding a place to chime in during Tails and Amy's argument. "It's not bleeding. I think it's just...bruised."

"Does anything feel off?" Tails asked again, this time to Shadow rather than Amy.

"No, he just makes faces every time I touch him-" he paused, "where she hit him."

The young inventor took a breath, glancing down at the schematics for Shadow's Connector. "Shadow?"


"Your Connector's broken, isn't it?"


"Bring Sonic to my lab and I'll fix your Connector."


Tails was starting to move the tools that he would need to repair Shadow's Connector into his living room. He wanted to be able to talk to Shadow and Amy to see what had happened that would cause Shadow's Connector to break and how exactly it was that Amy was able to hurt his brother in the first place. He couldn't make any sense of how she would do that.

What's more, didn't he tell them to go back to Knuckles to apologize?

He couldn't help but wonder if Sonic had caught them on the way back to Angel Island. That was just about the only way that he could rationalize how they had crossed paths with Sonic at all.

He was just about to head back to his workshop to grab whatever else it was that he thought he might need to fix Shadow's Connector when he heard a quick knocking sound on his door.

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