Chapter 27: Grounded

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Chapter 27: Grounded

Shadow and Amy were waiting for Tails to finish completing Shadow's Connector. Amy was already wearing hers and they were both trying to go through it to see how much was different about it when Amy's Connector lit up showing that someone was calling her.

Amy and Shadow heard it ring and the two continued to stare at it, it was Knuckles calling Amy.

They shot each other a look, as though they were asking the other what to do telepathically.

"Good idea, we don't know what he'll do." Shadow agreed quietly as he watched Amy press the ignore button.

And then suddenly there was a ringing sound coming from Tails' communicator. Shadow and Amy both looked towards him as they watched him stop what he was doing to check who was calling.

"Oh look, it's Knuckles." He responded.

Shadow and Amy watched anxiously as the young fox answered his call.

"Hi Knuckles what's-"

"Where are those two sons of bitches?!" Knuckles growled on the other line.

The two hedgehogs glanced at each other quickly as they heard the clear anger in his voice.

"They're here." Tails responded and looked towards Shadow and Amy.

"When you two come back I'm gonna kick both of your asses!"

Tails muted himself on his communicator while Knuckles continued ranting, "What did you guys do to him?"

"We didn't say a word to him." Amy responded, curious about why the red echidna was so furious.

Tails looked at them in disbelief, "You didn't tell him where you were so now he's ticked off, huh?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." Shadow shrugged.

Knuckles still yelling, "I can't believe you two, what are you doing right now?!"

Tails handed them his communicator so that he could continue fixing up their Connectors.

Amy begrudgingly took it, "We're with Tails getting the Connectors fixed up."

"How easy was it to do that?"

"You were angry." Shadow chimed in.

"Very angry." Amy agreed.

"I was angry!?" Knuckles yelled incredulously.

It was at this point that Shadow and Amy could hear Tails muttering to himself, "I feel your pain, Knuckles."

"I'll make you two fuckers regret making me worry, damn it!" He snarled and hung up.

"I can't believe they did this to me!" Knuckles yelled as he tried to calm himself down.

He couldn't wait to slam the both of them to the ground now.

"Did what, leave?" Rouge asked.

"They tricked me; I told them I was worried about that."

Rouge looked at him questioningly, "After all of this time are you really just now surprised?"

"Hey!" He shouted as he turned back to the white bat, "I wonder what else they were lying about." the guardian spoke to himself softly as he tried to think.

"Like what?"

He was frustrated, "Nothing."

The red echidna began sulking as he attempted to think of what else they had said to him that could have been said only to deceive him.

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