Chapter 18: To the Top

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Chapter 18: To the Top

"Knuckles, someone's trying to get to the Master Emerald!"

The red echidna's eyes opened wide as he heard the message from his communicator, "Are they here?!" he asked on high alert as he began running around the emerald in a desperate attempt to find the intruders.

"I don't know. Just be on the lookout." Tails sounded uneasy on his communicator as he hung up.

"Tails, I-" he groaned as soon as he realized that the yellow fox had ended their call.

Knuckles suddenly heard the sound of rapid footsteps and he ran towards that direction only to see nothing. He ran back around, almost pressing his back against the massive gem that he was trying to protect. His fists were raised as he prepared himself, "Rouge, is that you again?!" he shouted as he darted his eyes side to side.


His guard was still up as he tried focusing, he closed his eyes.

"I just need to relax." he thought to himself, "Center yourself and look for something that is out of the ordinary."

He could hear the wind rustling the trees, the sound of birds scattered across the island, ocean waves and... a scraping noise?

It was a skidding sound as the culprit had hidden themselves from sight and began running up the stairs again. They were getting significantly closer as Knuckles ran to the edge of the stairs in the direction of the noise. But, once again he saw no one.

"I know you're here!" Knuckles called out as he stood protectively over the green jewel.

Quiet again.

Knuckles began thinking and the only thought that came to mind was that it was his own footsteps that were giving away his position. So, the red echidna stayed still and waited for the intruder to come out of hiding.

A few minutes had passed when the guardian's plans were successful and the trespasser began darting up the stairs. Knuckles braced himself as he crouched down and lunged towards the sound.

Before he could stop himself from belting the intruder he realized that it was a girl. He tried to stop himself until he realized that she had taken out her weapon, a hammer like Amy's. It was only then that he understood that the girl he was about to hit was her.

"Amy move!" He cried out and she listened and he came crashing down, destroying part of the stairs of the temple.

Knuckles was watching her as she faced him, "Amy, what are you doing?"

She ran at him and began swinging her hammer at him, he caught her weapon and threw her above him as she held on tightly to her piko piko hammer and hit the ground hard.

He hadn't meant to do that to her but his reflexes had kicked in, "Are you okay?" he was startled as he got near her to help her up.

It was a mistake as the pink hedgehog got to her feet and kicked him away as she prepared herself to hit him with her hammer again. He had staggered back as he tried to recover when her weapon violently struck him and sent him skidding back.

Knuckles growled as he eyed her, her weapon, and then the emerald. He ran up to her and began punching at her as she continued to evade him while he herded her away from the Master Emerald. She ducked and then swerved her hammer upwards suddenly which forced the echidna to fall back. Amy swung at him in a different direction than she had before which caught him off guard but he dodged her as she attacked and waited for the right moment to go on the offensive.

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