Chapter 36: A Quick Fix

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Chapter 36: A Quick Fix

"Shadow! Are you done with the first aid kit, yet?" The yellow fox called out somewhat nervously, unable to hide a bit of his fear at being caught eavesdropping on the two and did his best impersonation of his brother's peppy cheerfulness as he met Shadow before he could go around the corner and see him standing perfectly still outside of his lab.

He could only imagine what kind of excuse he would have to come up with on the spot to explain why he had been standing at hearing distance away.

The ultimate life form raised an eye ridge, even Amy had her own puzzled expression at the rather unusual demeanor that the inventor was using.

"Almost." Shadow stated, still a bit dumbfounded at the change in personality all of a sudden. He motioned to Amy despite this. "Can you tell me what this is?"

Tails blinked, his curiosity peaked as he instinctively closed the distance between them to see what exactly it was that Shadow was pointing to.

It didn't take Tails very long to explain that the injuries that Amy had sustained were nothing that he needed to worry too much about but that he should make sure that they don't get any worse or else they might bleed. This explanation only making Shadow question the young fox about how he should and shouldn't concern himself over something that could get worse and end with blood didn't make any sense.

None of this was really sticking in the pink hedgehog's head as she couldn't help but recall how she had already been through something so similar before with the two of them looking at her stomach again of all things. She wondered if she should start blocking hits to her gut from now on so that she wouldn't have to keep going through this every time someone decided to hit her there.

Because constantly having two guys staring at her stomach, even if it had just been for injuries had been a bit much.

"She should be fine, Shadow. It doesn't look like her injury reopened itself either."

"Right." Shadow responded back, still eyeing the markings suspiciously.

There was a moment of silence before Tails spoke again, although just a bit warily.

"So, are you both still planning to come back inside?"

Shadow gave a quick glance to Amy at the idea and immediately dismissed it upon seeing the pink hedgehog tense up at the mere mention of returning to Tails' lab.

And the ultimate life form was well aware that this reaction was due to Sonic still being inside and apparently very hellbent on spending the night at Tails' as long as the two were there.

"I don't think that would be for the best."

"Yeah." Tails agreed, although a bit guiltily. "I had the same thought, honestly." The young inventor shot his lab a quick glance, scratching the back of his head with one hand and the other at his hip. "Sonic seems fine, but it won't do him any good to get hurt again." Quickly referring to how his brother had already taken two head injuries in less than four hours and Tails was sure that if Sonic was around Shadow and Amy any longer that he would be tempting another.

Tails was well aware of the fact that Shadow and Amy weren't the type to strike unless they were provoked in some sense, but this was his brother they were talking about. Someone who actively irritates and constantly tests his luck with someone that was created to be the ultimate life form and the blue hero never let up despite knowing this. From this Tails just knew that it was better for everyone if the two hedgehogs were nowhere near his brother.

"One of those wasn't done entirely on purpose." Shadow said evenly, despite knowing that in Amy's case that it had been intentional. She aimed at Sonic with the intention of knocking him out to help her win, so, saying otherwise would have been a lie. Him hurting Sonic had just been good luck.

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