Chapter 5: Too Soon

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Chapter 5: Too Soon

Shadow had taken Amy back into the same parts of the woods where she had been knocked unconscious before. Although Amy was still recovering from her injury she was still excited about the idea of trying again. If it hadn't been for Shadow distracting her she was sure that she wouldn't have fallen for the black hedgehog's trap and would have done fine for the rest of the training. She knew she would have to pay more attention this time so that what had happened last time wouldn't happen again.

Amy started stretching, "So, we're doing dodging and reflex training again?" she asked as she continued stretching.

"Not exactly." He stated as he watched the pink hedgehog.

She stopped what she was doing. "Then what are we doing here?" She had stepped back cautiously.

"You're not strong enough to be wandering around without me nearby." He answered as he saw Amy look off to the side angrily.

"You don't have to baby me." She grumbled as she clenched her fists. She still wasn't paying attention to him.

He sighed, walked up to Amy, and pressed his hand against her stomach.

"Ow!" She cried as she jerked away from him.

"Like I was saying, I'll be sticking even closer to you now." He scoffed as he watched the pink hedgehog holding her stomach.

Did he really have to do that just to prove his point?

"I apologize in advance." Shadow said suddenly.

"What?" And with that he kicked her and she landed hard on the ground. She got up and ducked as the black hedgehog tried to roundhouse her. "What the hell?!" She yelled as he darted towards her and slugged her.

She yelped with the impact and tried to recover, what was he doing? She took a step back and then she heard a very familiar sound coming from above. VRRRRRRRRR. Amy looked up to see that the same trap that had hit her before had started to descend from above.

She dodged it and watched as it came swinging back. Amy ran the opposite direction of where the log was heading and watched as it swayed in front of her and came back towards her. She dodged and continued to eye its movements.

Wait, had Shadow only hit her so she would activate the traps?

She groaned and ran underneath it to activate another trap, on purpose this time, she didn't need Shadow trying to hit her for no reason.

She took a reckless leap for the ground as a log rolled out of nowhere and jumped over her.

However, she was surprised to find that she had suddenly lost touch with the ground as the floor beneath her caved in.

She summoned her piko piko hammer and held it horizontally to stop her fall; it was just long enough to keep her dangling in the air. She was amazed that had worked and was grateful that it had, even if it had only barely stopped her from falling to the bottom.

She looked up to see that Shadow was standing at the edge of the hole, looking at her almost exactly as he had when she had fallen for his trap the day before. He held out his hand to her and she took it. She thought that it was out of character for him to be kind to her like this. She soon realized that her lack of trust was justified as he slammed her to the ground.

"You need to take this seriously, Rose."

She groaned while still lying on the floor.

Amy sat up clenching at her stomach and that was when she realized that she had dropped her hammer.

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