Chapter 13: Evasions

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Chapter 13: Evasions

Tails gave a nervous glance over to Shadow as they both looked towards Tails' front door. Tails looked back at Shadow and slowly went to open the door for his best friend.

"Hey buddy, what took you so long?" Sonic smirked as soon as Tails opened the door.

"Hey Sonic, why are you here so early?" Tails asked as he pretended to be sleepy to excuse his slow response to the door.

"Just curious about something." He smiled at Tails and looked around his workshop, "Where's Amy?"

"She's in my room."

Sonic looked at him questionably, "Oh really?"

The blue hero patted Tails' head and came inside uninvited.

He was accustomed to coming over to Tails' lab, he hadn't needed permission to enter before. Sonic looked over at the couch and saw that the pile of tools that were normally there had been carefully moved off to the side.

Tails followed Sonic as he entered his bedroom and stayed leaning against his doorway. He noticed right away that Amy was the only one there. Tails figured that if Shadow had slipped out of the room it must have been because he didn't want to deal with Sonic.

"Hey Amy!" Sonic greeted and then stopped in his tracks as he realized that she hadn't gotten up to give him her usual greeting.

She had always thrown herself at him whenever he appeared before so he knew that something was off.

"Hi Sonic." She waved at him.

Sonic was looking at her, obviously very confused as he got closer to her, a first for him. He couldn't figure out why she was acting so calm, although he didn't mind. In fact, he preferred her this way.

"What's up with you, Ames?"

"I got hurt." She pointed at her cut up stomach that was exposed to the air.

"What happened?" Sonic questioned as he sat down next to her.

Once he had realized that she wasn't coming onto him aggressively, he had decided that it would be safe to get closer to her.

"I...walked into a tree." It almost sounded like a question.

"A tree?" He looked at her skeptically.

"Yes." She answered him smoothly as she held his gaze with her strong emerald eyes.

Sonic was surprised, he had never seen her give him such a challenging stare before, "So, where's Shadow at?" he smirked.

"Shadow?" She looked startled.

"Yeah, where is he?" Sonic asked insistently.

"Why do you think she knows where he is?" Tails asked roughly. When Amy refused to give up knowing where Shadow was he assumed that his suspicions were confirmed. Shadow did not want Sonic to know where he was.

Sonic kept his eyes on Amy, "Her stuff's at his little campsite out in the woods."

Amy and Tails were quiet. The blue hedgehog had them there.

"I was asking," Amy paused, "Shadow if he could train me."

Sonic was surprised by this, "Faker?"

He would never have guessed that Amy had still been intent on training this entire time. Especially enough to ask someone like Shadow for help.

Sonic looked at her with a grim expression on his face, "Did he do this to you?" he asked as he pointed at the gash on her stomach.

"No, it wasn't Shadow."

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