Chapter 19: Trouble for Us

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Chapter 19: Trouble for Us

Knuckles was all for helping the two hedgehogs dupe Sonic just as they had done to him. Amy and Shadow weren't sure why the red echidna had become so compliant at the thought of repeating the same trick they had pulled on him with Sonic but there was one thing that they were sure of: Knuckles had intended to use them being here to his advantage.

It was easy to tell that the guardian felt that the Master Emerald being watched by three individuals, rather than just himself, would be more beneficial to the emerald. In actuality, all of the years of guarding the emerald alone were beginning to rile him up. He loved his job as it made him feel closer to his ancestors who had watched over it before him but it could be straining for one person to do it all. It was never supposed to be like this.

Knuckles had agreed to let them stay with him, if they took shifts watching the Master Emerald. He wanted one person to always be with it. The other two would need to stay on the temple at all times to help in a worst case scenario. In return Knuckles volunteered to help Amy with her training while Shadow was guarding the emerald. To this both parties agreed and that was about it. Shadow noticed that the red echidna had not specified a time for them to leave and felt that he would probably let them stay as long as they wanted, as long as they filled up their end of the bargain.

"Ready?" Shadow asked as he readied himself for their fight.

The two hedgehogs were standing in the center of the stairs leading up to the emerald.

Amy prepared herself before she answered, learning from the last time they had fought, "Ready."

Shadow almost instantly rushed towards her and slammed his fist against the pink hedgehog and she was hurled back. She caught herself and ran in his direction as she tried to return his blow. He ducked and tried elbowing her but she blocked and tried shoving him back. He grabbed her face and almost effortlessly tossed the pink hedgehog down the shrine steps.

Amy hit the border of the stairs as she was close to falling off the temple. She tried to stand up but as she positioned herself the black hedgehog appeared out of nowhere and threw her again as he tried to veer her towards the center of the steps.

Amy clutched at the ruin steps in a frantic endeavor to stop herself from descending down the stairs any further.

Shadow headed her way as he stopped her fall and hoisted her over his head. He then proceeded to fling the bewildered hedgehog back up the temple.

Knuckles winced as he continued to watch this display of ruthless violence, "That doesn't look too good." he remarked as he watched Shadow slug Amy.

Amy faced away from her opponent as she glared maliciously at the emerald's guardian, "I don't need any commentary!" She snapped, as she turned back to Shadow who threw her aggressively against the temple steps.

It was Knuckles' shift to continue watching the emerald as he glanced over every so often to keep track of the two as they fought. He felt a little less guilty about his fight with Amy after watching Shadow viciously attacking her. The black hedgehog was constantly on her, trying to force her back down the stairs. It looked pretty brutal, maybe he should make Amy do the next shift rather than Shadow so she could finally have some sort of break? He couldn't help but try to look out for her safety as well after seeing how aggressive Shadow was being with her. They were only training after all.

As he thought this he knew that his fight with Amy could also be described as brutal. He had thrown Amy off the temple, he didn't know for sure if the wily thing had succeeded in stopping her fall or plummeted to her death and he hadn't cared. Because the only thing he focused on was the gem behind him. He glanced at the green jewel and then resumed watching Shadow and Amy fight. He began thinking about how he had let her smash into the temple steps with him. At least Shadow would stop her from falling for as long as they had. He was more careful, despite the unrelenting barrage of attacks that he dealt to her.

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