Chapter 28: Please Let the Day End

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Chapter 28: Please Let the Day End

After Shadow somewhat explained what 'horrors' he had seen back at the temple, the two hedgehogs decided to retreat back into the forest where they had both been training originally. However, Shadow had run them deeper into the woods away from their old campsite. He didn't want them being found unless they wanted to be.

They had started their training immediately to take their minds off of the whole incident with Knuckles. Well, more so for Shadow to forget what he had seen. It appeared that what he had seen had traumatized the black hedgehog more than Amy had thought it would.

It was odd for her to see him so flustered about anything. She had been aware that Shadow wasn't exactly used to being around others, but with the way that he normally acted she had been certain that he wouldn't see two people kissing as such a big deal. But, after seeing how genuinely the incident had disturbed him, she felt that it would be better to leave him alone about it.

The pink hedgehog forced her hammer towards Shadow and he reeled back to avoid her. He dove at her and in her panic this caused her to swing at him recklessly. He gripped at the base of her hammer and shoved her into the ground. Shadow raised his arm in an attempt to check the Connector when she quickly got up and attempted to ram her pink hammer into the black hedgehog's skull while he was focused on other things. He quickly turned to her and snatched her weapon, stopping it in its tracks. He spun himself around, still clutching her weapon, and launched the bewildered pink hedgehog towards a tree. She flew directly into it which left a loud THUD echoing through the forest.

She groaned while slid against the tree.

Shadow used this moment to his advantage and looked over at his Connector, "How are you feeling Rose?" he asked while he checked her vital signs.

"Fine." She grunted as she got herself to a kneeling position, trying to recover from bashing into the tree behind her.

That more or less verified what his Connector had said, "That's good, that means it's working."

Shadow looked away from the device and to his shock found that she had disappeared.

The ultimate life form quickly realized that she had clearly used his concern for her to her benefit. He was surprised that she had somehow managed to slip away without him noticing, even if he was distracted. He began walking around the empty clearing as he waited to find her or for her to reappear in an attempt at an ambush.

"Rose, do you truly think that your ploy will work on me?" He questioned, as he began walking around the clearing near the border of trees surrounding him.

Amy was watching him from behind a tree as she waited for the black hedgehog to get near her in the hopes of taking him by surprise. However she was stunned to find that he hadn't noticed her. Amy wasted no more time thinking about this and tried to quietly sneak up on the ultimate life form that was still walking around in search of her.

Amy slowly emerged from the brush as she trailed behind him carefully, even closer than she had before, while his back was still turned away from her.

As she slowly raised her hammer over her head to strike him, her teacher quickly spun around and snatched her weapon, which stopped it from reaching its destination in an instant.

"Did you really believe that it would be that easy to catch me off guard?" He snickered and shoved her back.

"Had to try." She smiled, as she gripped her weapon tighter as she readied herself to attack him once again.

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