Chapter 23: Cheap Tricks

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Chapter 23: Cheap Tricks

Amy had not expected Shadow to return out of nowhere. Then again, she also didn't think that he would tell Knuckles to abide by the terms of their agreement. She figured he knew that she hadn't done anything while he had been gone because of Knuckles' own rule of someone always being with the Master Emerald. But, she had assumed that that arrangement had been made so that Knuckles could kick them out whenever he wanted. She didn't realize that Shadow could use their agreement against him. Amy wasn't sure if that had surprised her more.

Amy had started walking down the steps as she headed to the middle of the flight of stairs but the moment she realized that she was not being followed she turned around. She looked back to see that her teacher and Knuckles were both talking. She couldn't hear what it was that they were saying but whatever it was had caused Shadow to shove at the red echidna, he turned, and followed Amy down the temple steps.

"What was that about?" She asked as she waited for him to catch up to her.

"We gotta start all the way at the bottom."


"I said the same thing and he told me to just go."

So that was why he had shoved him, Amy realized as they painstakingly walked all the way to the end of the temple steps.

Amy looked up at the very top where she could still see Shadow watching over them. She scoffed, now he got to take a break. Amy glanced over at Knuckles, "Do you know why we had to come here specifically?" she asked.

He looked hesitant to respond, she figured he was just as confused as she was.

Knuckles finally answered her, "I'm supposed to stop you from making it to the top, so I'm guessing..."

She cut him off, "I have to beat you there."

They faced each other as they both made it to the foot of the stairs.

He nodded, "Ready?"


She let Knuckles run up first; he wasn't as fast as Shadow so she knew she could afford to let him get ahead of her. She felt that maybe she wouldn't have to fight the emerald's guardian after all. She ran as quickly up the stairs as she could, Amy had barely passed him when he shot towards her and punched her down to the bottom of the temple steps.

Amy sat up as she looked at him confused, "What the hell?" she muttered to herself as she picked herself up.

He had stopped running the moment he had slugged her. Was he going to wait for her come back up again?

Amy tried running again as she tried to keep herself more towards the edge of the temple steps while she attempted to keep them separated, hoping she could pass him without the same results as last time. She noticed that he tried to pick up his speed but that while she was head to head with him he had made no attempt to lunge at her.

Amy picked up her pace and then Knuckles charged towards her. Amy summoned her pink hammer and blocked him while he tried to shove her back down the stairs. The pink hedgehog took a step back and he relaxed as he glanced down at her. He started running back up the steps.

It looked like he didn't want to back track for her. But, it also seemed like as long as he was ahead of her he could care less what she was doing. Amy decided to match his pace for a bit and then he started moving a bit quicker. That was odd, but she tried to match it again.

Knuckles tried moving faster and began taking longer strides up the steps. Amy quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to keep up with his pace for very long at this rate. She knew she only had one option; she would have to force him back to the bottom.

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