Chapter 11: Sleep Talk

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Chapter 11: Sleep Talk

Shadow had been lying on the couch for a few hours now. It was dark outside and he knew that he was wasting time that he could spend doing something more worthwhile.

Tails had told him to rest and he had tried to, there was no denying that. The facts were however that despite his efforts he could not sleep. Or, at least not continuously.

Shadow kept drifting in and out of sleep. He couldn't consistently stay awake and he couldn't consistently stay asleep either. It was like his body wasn't sure what to do with the new information. His stomach still hurt like hell. That had been courtesy of Tails' invention. The damn thing worked too well. How did Amy go to sleep with this pain?

He held his stomach, sat up, and looked towards Tails' bedroom.

Shadow walked into the room that Amy was in. He held his stomach lightly as he sat next to Amy. He was looking straight forward; he wasn't sure why he had walked into this room in the first place. Was it because he felt guilty or because he couldn't stop worrying about her?

"You can't sleep?"

Shadow hadn't expected Amy to be awake. He had thought that she would stay asleep, it was part of the reason he had come into her room, "No."

She was looking at him.

He noticed, "Did I wake you?"


"You couldn't sleep either?" He asked.

Amy shook her head, "Not at all."

He turned his whole body to face her when he realized how alert she was.

"How are you feeling?"

She looked surprised, "Like I've been on my back for three days."

Shadow smirked, "Fair enough, Rose."

They were quiet for a while.

Amy broke the silence, "I still can't sleep."

"I'm not tired at all."

"What do we do?" She asked.

"What have you been doing for the past few days?"

"Looking around Tails' room."

"I see."

Silence again.

"Why can't you sleep?" She asked.

He tried to ignore her and that was when she saw the contraption on his wrist.

"What's that?"


"Are you wearing a watch?" Amy grabbed his arm and inspected it, "What is it?"

Shadow took his arm back from Amy, "It's supposed to make it easier for me to train you."

"Why?" She snickered, "Is it gonna give you pointers or something?"

"It's so I can tell how much you can take." He growled.

"Oh." She hadn't expected that.

He was crossing his arms in front of him.

"How does that work? Does it give out statistics or something?" She scoffed.

Shadow found himself surprised by her tone, was she starting to talk like him? He didn't know whether he should be flattered or insulted.

"It's supposed to send signals to my brain so I can tell how badly something will hurt you."

She held at her stomach lightly as she understood why. "That's good."

Shadow became aware that Amy had started to relax. He couldn't help but wonder why as he watches her trying to cover her face with her arm, "What's wrong?"

"I thought you were going to stop training me." It almost sounded like she wanted to cry.

"Why would you think that?"

"I thought you would think I was a waste of your time." She was still covering her face.

His face softened, "I wouldn't say that."

He looked emotionless but it had sounded genuine to Amy as she felt her worries start to subside.

"You're not a complete waste of time." He smirked.

She glared at him and punched him in the gut.

Shadow tried to keep himself up as he felt the jolts from the device that Tails had put on his wrist. He groaned and Amy watched as he eyed Tails' creation as though it were the cause.

"That hurt you?" Amy was surprised by the black hedgehog's reaction.

"What part of it 'sends signals to my brain' did you not get?" He muttered as he held his stomach.

Shadow could only watch as she began to laugh uncontrollably, "What is it now?"

Amy wiped away her tears and smiled; "Now we're even."

"Even, huh?" He hissed as he tried to ignore her.

It was bothering him that although he did not have a scratch on him that he still felt pain. Shadow couldn't believe how sensitive he was, he had begun to feel bad for mobians. Well, there was one in particular he didn't feel so sorry for right now.

Shadow took a breath and calmed himself, "Let me check your bandages."

"I was kidding, it wasn't on purpose." She defended as she watched him get closer to her so he could check her wounds.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He waved her off as he proceeded to check her injury.

As Shadow had begun lifting Amy's shirt they could hear the sounds of bewilderment from the yellow fox, "Amy have you seen Sha-"

Shadow turned to see Tails' face turn beet red as he had just watched Shadow move up Amy's shirt, "Sh-Shadow, what are you doing?" he turned to look away from them.

Shadow was confused, why was Tails acting this way?

He looked towards Amy and saw that she was blushing too, "I'm checking her bandages!" he growled.

Shadow looked around the room a bit; he had never intended to stay here so long. They must have spoken until morning if Tails was awake now. He began to wonder if Amy's sleep was as disruptive as his was. It was the only reason he could think of that might explain why Amy had been awake as well.

Tails came back with his first aid kit and helped Shadow check on Amy. Shadow had finished unraveling the binding on Amy and Tails observed the injuries with Shadow.

"This doesn't look so bad." Tails started, "Or at the very least not as bad as before."

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Shadow asked.

"It's already been four days but it looks like it's almost completely closed." Tails was looking at Amy's wound as though she wasn't alive.

Shadow nodded as he sat with his arms crossed.

"So, it looks better now?" Amy asked as she began to feel uncomfortable that two guys were intently looking at her stomach.

"Much better." Tails replied as he backed away from Amy.

Everyone was relieved until there was a knock at the door.

"Yo Tails, open up!"

Tails had completely forgotten what he had come into the room for. He quickly turned to face Shadow and saw that he was in complete shock as well.

A guilty look came to Tails' face as he chuckled nervously, "By the way Sonic's coming over."

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