Chapter 8: Damage Control

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Chapter 8: Damage Control

Amy couldn't see anything. Everything was dark. This feels really familiar, she thought.

In the darkness she could hear parts of a conversation happening above her.

"You weren't kidding, it looks bad." A young voice spoke.

Who was that?

"What do we do with her now?" A stern voice asked.


Her eyesight was blurry; she could hardly move her eyes open at all as she became aware that someone was sitting beside her.

Was she on a bed?

"I guess try to cover her up for now." The child-like voice answered, concerned. The voice almost sounded like...Tails? "We should let her rest."

"Right." Shadow agreed cautiously.

She heard someone leaving but the person on the bed was still there.

Amy tried to slowly open her eyes. Everything was still dark when she heard a rustling sound coming to the side of her. She could tell that they had readjusted themselves next to her. She could feel their hands going behind her back and she flinched.

Whoever had been touching her had jerked away from her suddenly.

Amy opened her eyes to see Shadow. He was sitting next to her at the edge of the bed. Shadow quickly held her head down with his hand as he saw the surprised look on her face.

He had no intention of taking another hit to the face.

Shadow removed his hand when he felt that it was safe.

Amy tried to sit up but Shadow pressed his palm against her forehead and forced her back down.

"He said you need to rest." Shadow informed her.

"Who said that?"

"Tails. He said it looked bad, that you needed to rest."

"What?" She questioned as she tried to look around the room.

She could hardly make out any details around Shadow but she tried. Amy could see the yellow fox's posters of tools, engineering magazines, and a dresser with a picture of Tails and Sonic.

"Why are we here?" She asked.

Shadow hesitated, "I...asked for help..." he paused, looked away, and darted his eyes back at her quickly, "because, I didn't know what to do with you."

"You didn't know what to do with me?" Her voice trailed off as she tried to think.

What was that supposed to mean? She looked up at Shadow questioningly and then realized that there was a reason why everything had felt so familiar. This bastard had rendered her unconscious and taken her here.

"You knocked me out?!" She shrieked.

"I panicked." He was surprised it had taken her this long for her to realize.

Amy groaned and let herself look up at the ceiling, "It's fine."

Shadow looked towards the first aid kit.


Amy turned to him, "Yeah?"

"I need to put the bandages back on."

"Is it that bad?"

"Tails said it is."

"Since when did you get so agreeable?" Amy snickered.

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