Chapter 32: Back At the Lab

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Chapter 32: Back At the Lab

"So, how did this thing break again?" Tails asked as he began fishing through the broken remnants of the black hedgehog's Connector, looking for any usable pieces in the pile of scrap on his coffee table.

"We were fighting, Amy tried hitting me, and when I moved she hit the Connector." Shadow explained halfheartedly, sitting to the blue hero's right on Tails' couch while he continued where his checkup had left off back in the woods.

The yellow fox took a moment to glance at Amy who was sitting to his right on the floor next to him.

"It was an accident." She argued, not looking at Shadow, but at Tails.

Tails focused back on what he had been doing. "I didn't say anything."

Sonic snickered, "Was she too fast for you, Shads?"

Upon hearing this Shadow, who had only continued examining Sonic at Tails' request, dug his hand against the injured area.


"Oops." Shadow responded dryly, without any hint of remorse.

"Hey, don't say 'oops'! I know you did that on purpose, faker!"

"Knock it out, you two!" Tails ordered, in an attempt to keep what little peace he had with them.

"Yes." Shadow agreed as he continued inspecting Sonic.

"He started it." Sonic pouted and his eyes widened slightly as he glanced towards Shadow whose face clearly read:

Don't make me do it again.

"Fine." Sonic submitted and begrudgingly let Shadow continue checking him for injuries.

With a flashlight in his hand, "Follow this." he ordered as he began moving the light in the blue hero's eye.

"Why can't Amy or Tails do this?" The blue hero questioned as moved his head to look at both Amy and Tails until suddenly the felt his head jerked back to face Shadow.

"Rose doesn't know how to check you- stay still - and Tails is busy."

Sonic groaned, "Amy can learn and Tails can wait to fix your thing."

At this the yellow fox stopped what he was doing and glanced up at Sonic, now paying attention to their conversation.

"Rose is more interested in causing these injuries rather than fixing them." Shadow said bluntly and then motioned with his head at Tails, "And Miles, is still, busy."

Sonic scoffed, "As much as I enjoy holding your full attention there are-Rrgh!" He snarled the moment Shadow forced his head upwards and began slowly forcing Sonic's head to move side to side, the flashlight now left abandoned to Shadow's left. "What did you do that for?!"

"Faker, if you were just planning on arguing with me the whole time I tried looking after you, why did you ask for this?" Shadow asked and began turning Sonic's head in a nodding motion.

"Ugh, forget it, I'm fine!" Sonic snapped and forced Shadow's hand away from him.

"That's interesting, because just a few minutes ago you went on a tangent about how I wasn't able to check you thoroughly." The ultimate life form growled."Just stay still so that we can get this over with." he groaned and tried to continue examining him, but Sonic shirked away from him.

"Tails, I'm fine! Call him off!" Sonic yelled without looking at Tails, as he watched Shadow who looked like he was seriously summoning every ounce of control that he had to stop himself from forcing Sonic still so that he could finally finish with him.

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