Chapter 12: Taking a Walk

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Chapter 12: Taking a Walk

Sonic had gotten bored; there had been nothing to do recently. For the past month he had been battling Eggman but recently the doctor seemed to be taking the time to regroup and think up another 'ingenious' plan to beat Sonic. The blue hero was taking this time to rest but that didn't mean he wanted to be bored.

Sonic had made it into a wooded area and thought he might as well check it out. He had nothing better to do after all. While going through the forest he came upon an open section with a border of trees around it and saw a lone log dangling in the air.

"What?" He walks towards the gravity defying log and hears a strange vrrrrr-ing sound from above him.

He looks up questionably as he watches a tree swinging towards him. He zips out of the way quickly and watches it move past him. As he turns to keep an eye on it he feels himself tugging on a piece of wire, as he looks down to see what had almost caused him to trip he sees a stake pierce the ground next to him.

Sonic looks above himself as he sees a barrage of stakes coming from the sky. The stakes begin to stab into the ground around him and the blue hero smirks as he dashes through them intentionally and avoids each one. Sonic avoids the swinging tree as he skids out of the way, setting in motion yet another trap.

Sonic speeds underneath a log as it crashes into the ground narrowly avoiding the blue hero who looks back at the failed trap with amusement. This was exactly the sort of thing he had been looking for. Something fun and interesting. No Eggman and his robots. No fighting it out with boredom. The blue blur had wanted a rush and he had found it.

Sonic begins running through the forest to activate the rest of the traps, he easily avoids the traps as he sets off more stakes, more swinging trees, and trees that slam into the ground. He becomes cocky as he watches various traps fail to hit him over and over again.

"Heh, as if I'd fall for any of that." He chuckles to him-self.

He's about to leave the forest when he feels the ground falling apart underneath him, "Wha-" he falls to the bottom and falls flat on his back against the ground as he begins laughing to him-self.

He sits up and leaps out of the hole he had fallen in. He smirks to him-self as he looks towards the rest of the forest and sees its potential.

After spending several hours of activating and resetting the various traps throughout this section of the forest Sonic had had his fun there. But, now he had new business. He wanted to see who had left him something so entertaining to play with in the first place.

Sonic started from what he had found to be the border of where the traps stopped and began speeding around it as he began exploring to see if the person was still there. If they had laid traps and left it there they must be nearby, he figured.

Sonic eventually made it to what looked to be a campsite. But, there was no one around. Despite this he already knew who the culprit was.

"Only Shads would be naive enough to leave his junk in the woods." Sonic sits by the pile of ash that had once been a camp fire. He pinches at the remains of the soot and rubs his fingers together to remove it from his gloves.

"It looks like he hasn't been here for a while though." The blue hedgehog looks around his surroundings as he looks up at the sky and takes a deep breath of air.

He could see why Shadow would want to stay in this forest. It was peaceful and the view was beautiful. It was odd to see all of the things you could miss about this place if you had just sped past it.

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