Chapter 2: Three Weeks of Hell

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Chapter 2: Three Weeks of Hell

The black hedgehog was waiting for her in the same spot that he specified the day before. Amy had run as quickly as she could to make it there on time.

"Oh good, I thought you'd be late."

Amy panted a little but was determined to put up a good fight. She dropped her dark blue backpack, the same color of Sonic's fur, and took out her piko piko hammer.

She charged at Shadow and swung her hammer at him, she hadn't forgotten all of the harsh things he had said yesterday. Today her only thoughts were of giving Shadow one good smack with her hammer. But, he easily stopped her hammer from hitting him and held it in place as he looked at her questioningly. As though he felt she was in the wrong somehow. Had he forgotten why they were fighting?

Annoyed by the confused look on his face she decides to rekindle his memory, "Yesterday, you challenged me." Amy pulled back her hammer and spun around with it in a wild attempt to hit Shadow, "So here I am!" He stopped the pink hammer again, holding it just above where Amy's hands were. He held on tighter this time to make sure the hammer didn't go anywhere.

"A challenge?" He scoffed as he smirked trying to contain his laughter, "Oh please, right now you're not a challenge to anybody."

"What?" She was surprised, her anger had turned in curiosity.

Shadow felt the pink hedgehog's grip loosen on her hammer and suddenly took the hammer away from her. He held it down to his side to make sure that she couldn't make another grab for it. Although, it didn't seem like she was very bothered by the fact that he was holding her weapon in his hand; he realized she was focused on something else. "Do you need something?"

"Then what are you doing here?" She asked as though she was already trying to figure out the answer without his help.

"I wasn't asking to fight you." He keeps intense eye contact with her, as though trying to make sure he can trust her, "I was offering to train you."

Amy couldn't look away from his dark red eyes; there was something about the way he was looking at her. Not with malice, but caution. This surprised her most; was the ultimate life form afraid of people? As she thought about this the black hedgehog lost his patience with her.

"What? You don't want my help after all?" He asked gruffly, his question sounded more like a statement.

"But, why?" She asked him, "Why now?"

"My interest is of no concern to you." He had raised the hammer and propped it against his shoulder as though he were more comfortable with her weapon than with her.


"Do you want my help or not, Rose?" He asked irritated by how difficult she was being. Or at least in his eyes he was performing a kindness, so why was she dragging things out?

"Okay." Amy agreed and nodded her head slowly. She was still taken aback from his sudden charity. Maybe he was a nice person after all?

"Excellent, let's get to work." He looks fiercely at her and suddenly an inkling of a sly smile shows up on his lips. So slight that Amy almost misses it. "What were you doing again?" He sneered, "Pushups, right?"

He chuckled, "That sounds perfect. Let's have you do those all day."

Amy was stunned, her mouth gaped open in her horror. All day? She had only been exercising four hours a day. And wait- how long was all day to Shadow?

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