Chapter 10: How it Feels

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Chapter 10: How it Feels

Shadow had finally left Amy's room. She had been right, she hadn't been able to sleep right away, but it turned out that he couldn't either. They had ended up talking to each other for a while until she finally fell asleep. It was only then that Shadow left to see a very anxious yellow fox waiting for him outside the door.

"Shadow, you want to know the difference between you and mobians, right?"

"Yes." Shadow was confused; he couldn't tell where he was going with this. Tails had already given him the gist of what he could and couldn't do with Amy.

"I figured out how you can still train Amy and know what's too much for her."

The black hedgehog was interested, "How?"

Tails motioned for Shadow to follow him and grabbed a watch-like device from his workbench, "I made this for you; it sends a signal to your brain to replicate the same pain an injury would cause to an average mobian." Tails looked up at Shadow excitedly, "With this you can see how much she can handle and know when to stop." he explained.

Shadow took the contraption from Tails and inspected it. He was surprised that he had taken his time to make something like this for him. He didn't know how to feel about it. He felt like he was asking a lot from Tails already. Tails had helped him with Amy, he let them stay there overnight, and it looked like he was prepared to let them stay with him until Amy had fully recovered.


"Oh, what's up?"

"You've done too much." Shadow was still holding the watch in his hands as he looked towards Tails.

"If you want to pay me back, you can come with me to check if this thing works." Tails smiled sweetly at him.

Shadow nodded and tied the device around his wrist.

Ever since Shadow and Amy had arrived Tails had wondered if there was a way that he could help the both of them. Tails could tell that Shadow still felt guilty about helping cause Amy's injury but he also knew that Shadow hadn't tried to hurt her on purpose. Well, he had but it had been done with good intentions. Tails understood that if Shadow was going to keep training Amy, that it would be dangerous for her to continue if Shadow wasn't completely aware of her physical limitations. Something like this could happen again if the right measures weren't there to prevent it. It had been dumb luck and Shadow's immediate attention to her injuries that had kept the odds in her favor.

At the same time Tails knew that Shadow had been very particular about training Amy a specific way. Shadow didn't want to coddle Amy, but Tails realized that the black hedgehog might become too cautious with her if he didn't know exactly how much he could do with her. He had only been able to give Shadow a quick idea of how fragile mobians were. It wasn't enough to just explain it; the point would never come across the right way if he just let things be. He had realized that this would probably be the only way that the two could continue being productive.

Tails couldn't wait to see if his machine was fully functional or not, he had become very eager to learn the results. He was a bit surprised about where he and Shadow had ended up, however.

Shadow had convinced Tails that he wanted to see exactly how badly Amy had hurt herself. They were back in the same part of the woods where Shadow had laid out traps for Amy. He had reset all of the traps to start again. But, there was one specific trap that he wanted to set off, the one that had harmed Amy in the first place.

Before Tails let Shadow set the trap off on him-self, Tails had asked Shadow to stay still while he tried to check the efficiency of the device. He realized that he would first have to convince Shadow that everything he was about to do to him was absolutely necessary.

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