Chapter 33: Reliving the Past

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Chapter 33: Reliving the Past

Tails was still working on Shadow's Connector in his living room, now noticeably calmer after having a break from the two yelling hedgehog's that had been arguing in his living room earlier. He was beginning to wonder if all hedgehogs had anger issues after dealing with not only Shadow and Amy arguing with each other, but Shadow and Sonic also. Or maybe it was just that all of their personalities were so different from each other that it actually made more sense that they couldn't get along.

He stopped working when he heard his door knob turn and looked up to see that Amy had returned with Shadow, but that his brother was now missing once again. "Where's Sonic?"

"Right now, trying to procure an object that I would rather not be within ten feet of." Shadow responded dryly and shut the door behind them.

The yellow fox looked at the ultimate life form quizzically, "What?"

After seeing Tails' confusion Amy decided to try rephrasing what her teacher had said, "Sonic ran back to our old camp to get Shadow's sleeping bag."

Tails paused. "Oh, that was nice of him. But, why did Shadow say-"

"Your 'friend'," And the ultimate life form forced these words out, "decided to help himself to some of my things while he was waiting there."

Still confused, "I still don't-"

"One of those things being my sleeping bag." Shadow said unevenly.

"Oh." Was the only word that the yellow fox could seem to manage after receiving a better explanation from the two.

It appeared that even Tails could tell that Shadow had most likely expressed his desire not to see the object returned and knew that his brother had probably left to retrieve it for him anyways.

"So, was Sonic alright?" Tails asked timidly, hoping that if Sonic had been in bad condition that one of the two hedgehogs would have stopped him from running off into the woods by himself. Despite Tails being well aware that one of these hedgehogs had probably reached his limit dealing with him over the course of one day and may not have attempted to stop him for this reason.

"Yes, enough so that he charged into the woods just to spite me." Shadow responded darkly and then motioned for the pink hedgehog to follow him towards the couch.

"I just wanted to make sure." Tails explained.

"It's fi-It's no problem."

Tails waited for Shadow and Amy to sit down on his couch before he continued. "Thanks for looking after Sonic, Shadow. I know it was the last thing you wanted to do." Tails smiled.

Shadow only nodded, trying to restrain himself from letting Tails know just how low on the list it was to other things that he would rather not do, with most of those things involving Sonic. However, the black hedgehog knew that the very last thing on his list right now was seeing Knuckles and Rouge making out on top of the temple again. Which he was fairly certain, that if things kept up, that it would no longer be considered holy ground by the time they were done and shuddered at that thought.

"Uh, Shadow are you okay?" Tails asked, noticing his reaction from the corner of his eye.

"Peachy." Shadow said flustered as he attempted to regain his composure.

"Okay." Tails said skeptically, but went back to work trying to put together Shadow's Connector anyways. It seemed to need quite a bit of fixing because Tails had only made the base of the Connector and was now working on the wiring.

The black hedgehog sighed and then turned to his left to see that Amy had been looking at him. "What?"

"You were thinking about them, weren't you?" She asked quietly so that Tails couldn't hear, but apparently, she hadn't spoken quietly enough.

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