Chapter 38: Feelings and Chao

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Author Notes-

Sorry, it took so long to post anything. I had a very bad year with both hands and I've been strengthening them both ever since. Glad to report that I can type and draw for much longer over the past few months. I'm planning on focusing on this story until it's finished.

Chapter 38: Feelings and Chao

The ultimate life form had never believed that running and being uncomfortable would ever be intermingled. He had spent most of his life a good distance away from people. People that he knew both little and very well. The professor had never been very touchy and Maria had been the clingiest person that he had ever been in contact with - or she had been.

Because right now the pink hedgehog was giving his sister a run for her money on the most physical contact award. Something that Shadow had never believed anyone else would be able to do due to how close he and his sister had been in the emotional sense. But with his student's arms clutching his neck and shoulder in a death grip, while she attempted to burn Mobius' beloved blue hero by simply staring in his general direction, it really did seem as though if she kept this up that she would definitely beat Maria if he didn't find a way to get her the hell away and fast.

Shadow hating how he could feel her every breath.

Digging her hands around him like she could break him.

How warm she was.

Except that warmth might just mean that she had managed to figure out the whole lighting the hero on fire from hundreds of miles away technique that she had been harnessing during Shadow's longest run ever. And she was probably very close to accomplishing her goal of igniting the blue blur on fire like he had rolled around in gasoline and lit the match for the hell of it.

If the hero didn't explode, it would be a miracle since Shadow was sure that any mental gas lighting would have been made with the girl's raw anger alone. Hell, he'd believe she had summoned heat seeking missiles on the faker and if her concentration was anything to go by, he'd have been very surprised if she had missed. All of this only making it very clear to a certain ultimate life form that Amy's rage hadn't dissipated simply because he had begun making good on his promise to get as far away from Sonic as possible after Tails had handed them Amy's updated Connector.

As of right now it looked as though Amy had taken those words very literally.

If he didn't stop, he was sure that they would circle the world four times over before Amy would say that he could stop. In which case they would have passed by Sonic those four times and her rage might vary from increasing to somehow mellowing out.

Yet, Shadow felt like she wasn't the type to mellow out so easily. This becoming especially concerning since now he was wondering if the whole circling four times over would be her checking to see if her latent pyrokinetic powers had activated.

Maybe it had. Who knew? Maybe he should ask the girl if she wanted to go check?

Shadow was at his wit's end at the moment. Even if he could forget that she was trying to melt the speedster from this distance, something that he highly doubted she could do no matter how determined she was, that didn't stop him from regretting offering to carry her.

It had made sense at the time. Her leg, she had confirmed there was one that was 'not so fine', wouldn't have been able to get her far away like she had wanted, due to the limp that she had tried in vain to hide from the ultimate life form, and so he had suggested that he carry her. She had been opposed to this but in the end, she had found that she would rather suck up her pride and be carried rather than be anywhere near Sonic.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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