Chapter 17: Submit

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Chapter 17: Submit

Shadow and Amy looked over to Tails' front door and then to each other.

Shadow sighed as he looked down at the Connector, "Tails, he's here."

"I'm coming." Then Tails' device disconnected.

Shadow grabbed Amy and helped walk her over to the couch.

"I know you're here, open up!" Sonic called out as he knocked on the door once more.

"Maria, what did I get myself into?" Shadow muttered barely loud enough that Amy could hear him, as he set her on the couch and walked over to the door.

"I don't got all day, Shads." Sonic pestered as he waited on the other side of the door.

Shadow took a breath in an attempt to calm himself and opened it.

Shadow hadn't expected Sonic to be so astounded that he was there as he watched the blue hero's eyes light up at his appearance.

"So, you are here." Sonic's voice trailed off.

"Yes." Shadow answered as the blue hedgehog came into Tails' lab.

"Why are you here?" Sonic asked as he inspected Shadow.

"I could ask you the same."

"Tails said he couldn't stand all of the arguing going on here. He told me to play mediator." Sonic answered snidely.

Shadow crossed his arms as he looked at Sonic skeptically, "Oh really? And where is Tails?"

Sonic paused; he had left Tails out in the woods. "Busy, trying to get away from you and..." He stopped as he leaned off to the side to see Amy sitting on Tails' couch, "Amy..."

Sonic was left dumbfounded as he continued to look at Amy. He had not expected her to be the person arguing with Shadow. She had always been very compliant with him, unless he wanted her to leave that is. But, otherwise she had always listened to him so he had assumed she would treat others the same way. He was surprised that she had been the one holding her own against Shadow.

"Were your injuries that bad?" Sonic asked as a look of concern came over his face.

"I'm fine." Amy responded.

Sonic narrowed his eyes, "That's not what I asked."

Shadow groaned, "Yes, her injuries were that bad."

Sonic glanced back at Shadow, "Why are you here?" he asked again.

"I'm checking on Amy, isn't that what you wanted?" Shadow answered spitefully.

Sonic ignored him as he stared at Amy, "Is he hurting you?"

"No, he's helping me." Amy answered.

"He's 'helping' you?" Sonic asked cynically.

"Yes, he was before you came."

Sonic walked over to her, "And how was he 'helping' you?"

This was where it got difficult to explain, "He was-"

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He stood protectively over Amy and looked towards Shadow.

"What is it now, faker?" Shadow groaned.

"How were you helping her?"

"I was taking her for a walk." Shadow snickered.

At this Sonic turned back towards Amy, "You couldn't walk?!" he asked incredulously.

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