Chapter 6: The Realization

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Chapter 6: The Realization

"C'mon Rose, don't make things difficult." Shadow snickered as he looked for Amy.

Amy was trying to hide from him but she could clearly see the black hedgehog moving around cautiously as he looked for her. She gulped as she waited behind a tree and held her piko piko hammer vertically so that it wouldn't be visible.

She had gotten into this mess because she was trying to keep her hammer. Amy had broken the rules of their "game", as Shadow liked to call it. She wasn't supposed to swing at him; she was just supposed to dodge, but how could you do that when you felt like your life was in danger? Amy held her breath as she moved her head out of sight so that nothing could give her away.


Amy shrieked as she turned to see Shadow. How the hell had it come to this?


Amy was impatient as she waited for Shadow to finish explaining the rules. He had made it very explicit that she was not to hit him with her hammer.

"What happens if I swing at you again?" She asked as she held her pink hammer in her hands.

He scoffed, "I'll take it from you."

"That's it?" She asked skeptically.

"We'll see how I feel if after you hit me."

Amy got herself ready, "Okay."

Shadow held his arms out as he got ready to attack her, "Ready?"


He didn't wait; he tried clawing at the pink hedgehog immediately after she agreed. He swung at her wildly as she backed away and crouched as needed. Shadow elbowed her in the stomach and she fell hard onto the ground. She clenched at her stomach in pain. She was still recovering and had never thought that Shadow would hit her there. Amy groaned as she held her stomach with her left hand.

Shadow held out his hand and Amy took it. He threw her and she fell still holding her pink hammer. It was an impulse; she had never thought that something as simple as taking someone's hand could be a weakness but Shadow had proved to her that it was.

"You never learn, huh?" Shadow snickered as he crouched beside her and watched the pain in her face.

"You're a jerk." She strained.

Shadow narrowed his eyes, "I'm only stating facts, Rose."

"You could try to be nicer." She was looking up at the sky now as she held at her stomach.

Shadow rolled his eyes and helped pick her up. He was still holding her hand as he looked intently into her eyes and smirked, "I thought you didn't want me to baby you."

"I don't." She glared back.

"As you wish." He threw her against a tree in an instant.

She groaned as she tried to stand up.

"You're supposed to be dodging, Rose." He taunted.

Amy ran at him and he did a roundhouse kick to the air as she made a dive underneath him. He elbowed her as she tried to block him with her hammer. Amy held at her shoulder and while she was distracted he was able to knock her down with his fist. He tried kicking her while she was down but she successfully blocked with her hammer this time.

"Better." He admitted as he gripped at her hammer and the stubborn pink hedgehog held on tight as he flipped her towards the ground.

That was when she screwed up. Amy swung upwards with her hammer towards him in an attempt to keep him at bay. Even though she had been given clear orders that he was not to be hit, she had still accidentally swung at him. That had done it. She watched Shadow's red eyes flicker as they darted to hers. Amy had sat up and began trying to inch backwards away from the ultimate life form.

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