Chapter 14: Stuck

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Chapter 14: Stuck

Tails had told Shadow to move Amy to his living room after he had finished bandaging Amy's wounds. The black hedgehog did as he was told and helped Amy onto her feet. He let her lean on him until they made it to the couch. She had winced as she had gotten up from the bed but she seemed to feel much better after she sat down on the couch.

Shadow didn't know why Tails had wanted Amy in the living room now but he was suspicious that she might have been moved because she had been holed up in his room for so long. He assumed it was to quiet her whining but otherwise could see no reason why she would need to be in the living room in the first place.

"Shadow, I got it working!" Tails answered happily as he came into the room from his workshop.

"You've got what working?" Amy asked as she tried to keep herself sitting up on the couch.

"It's my Connector, it'll link up to Shadow's and it'll show him how you're doing."

"Wow. You really went straight to the point with the name there, huh?" Amy chuckled.

Tails narrowed his eyes and scoffed, "Hey, would you rather have a hunk of junk with a cool name or a cheap name on something that actually works?"

"I was only joking." Amy smiled.

"The only catch is that it'll take about an hour for it to read your vital signs."

"An hour?" Shadow cut in.

"It's the only way to get a more accurate reading." Tails stated as he unfastened the watch-like contraption and made his way over to Amy.

Shadow crossed his arms and looked off to the side, "Fine."

It was obvious to Tails that Shadow would rather not wait at all but he knew that this was a necessary evil. This would help Shadow know if he was going too far or if there was something that was too dangerous for Amy while they trained. Tails was trying to stop what had happened before so that it would never happen again.

"By the way, you guys are gonna have to stick together until this thing recognizes her activity. It'll take longer if it's trying to track you both down." Tails explained as he fastened the Connector onto Amy's wrist, "So play nice you two."

Shadow and Amy watched as Tails left to his workshop close by and left them alone together.

Amy was looking at the tech on her arm; it bothered her that it made her arm feel heavier than she was used to. She was holding it out in front of her as she watched it slowly trying to gather her information.

"What's wrong?" Shadow asked as he watched her inspecting the device.

"It feels weird."

"It feels weird?"


"Why?" Shadow questioned, "Is it too tight?"

He had been leaning on the armrest as he sat facing towards her and he had started to get up to adjust the strap.

Amy held out her hand to stop him, "No, it's not."

"Then, what is it?"

"It's nothing."

"If it were nothing you wouldn't be looking at it so much."

She faced him, "It's...heavy." she admitted.

"Heavy?" He asked gruffly.

"Yeah, it's heavy, okay." Amy didn't want to look at him as she could feel his response.

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