Boboiboy the Researcher

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Six more days till Super Six day...

The next day, Boboiboy still insisted the rest of the team, except him and Ivy, to go back to school on Friday, which is today. Though all of them argued that they should be fighting ghosts and saving the city, Boboiboy thought that school might be a target for where the ghosts would be too. And only did grudgingly some of them went about his way.

Boboiboy had a good reason why he and Ivy shouldn't go to school, too. One: They barely had sleep the previous night. Two: Their mission of finding the Gates of Hell were more important than killing off ghosts.

He had also made up an excuse for the absence of Ivy yesterday and the current day. A small note was written early morning before Lia departed, and she was to send Ivy to Thornis extra early and back to Lonuziq in fifteen minute's time, or else she would be late for her school.

On the note that was supposed to be given to Ivy's parents were written:

To Mr and Mrs Ro'mave,

I, science teacher of your child, Ivy Ro'mave, apologizes for delaying her return home. She has a project that must be done overnight in school, and this would continue for the current day, 16th February, 2018. If she must stay again overnight for her project, we would kindly inform you once more. If there is questions, you may ask me through Ivy. I'm very busy lately so I wouldn't be able to reply any questions during schooling hours.

Wish you well,
Mr Mark
Science teacher of the Private School of Thornis.

Once everyone had left, Boboiboy sat down in the small meeting room alone. It would better to use the time he had now to do some research as well on the Gates of Hell, he thought. He could ask Lord Gonzalu information where the Gates of Hell were, but it just sounded downright wrong going back to Heaven just for that, especially if they haven't done, in their best ability, to find the gates for themselves.

He checked the clock propped against the wall in front of him, it was seven for in the morning, in Lonuziq time. He got up to fetch his laptop along with a cup of warm, steaming hot chocolate. He took a long sip of the hot chocolate as it warmed up his mouth, and feel it flowing through his esophagus. The sweetness of it made his head feel relaxed, the only type of sweetness you're able to taste in a hot chocolate, and it kick-started his brain to full energy.

As he put the mug down, he felt like a whole new person. Finding the Gates of Hell should be easy, he's been putting too much pressure on himself and his teammates for sure, they should relax...

Him and his teammates...the Super Six...

It struck him now that Super Six day was in six days, and their excitement of getting out of hiding had long since faded, as the last time they had thought about Super Six day were a million years ago. But he must keep his promise to his teammates, and the world...they would reveal themselves, yes, nevertheless though, they must still continue their mission now, which is to protect the citizens of Earth, like always, and seal off the Gates of Hell.


Thirty minutes later he found himself no new information about the location of the gates. Whether it was because the mortal world weren't told anything other than the Gates of Hell being the only entrance and exit between their world and Hell he didn't know, but there definitely isn't anything on the internet.

Ivy had entered the house then and was doing a few things before she heads for bed. Having just watched finish an episode of her favourite Korean drama series, W-Two Worlds, she stifled a yawn, but ended up yawning dramatically. She finally found unable to resist the feeling of going to bed, she had been a bit drowsy lately but she just needed to finish the series, so maybe just one more episode...?

No. She must stop herself. Enough for now, there'll be plenty of time after her sleep to finish the series.

She stood up, stretched, the recent events of the episode she had watched still clear in her mind, and trudged towards the smaller meeting room. Once she opened the door, a rush of cold air greeted her, blowing her black hair back, and she couldn't help but shiver. She turned her head right to find Boboiboy still on his laptop, his fingers dribbling over the keyboard rapidly, his eyes wide and moving left and right as if he had found a very interesting article. Ivy gave a knock on the wooden door and Boboiboy looked around at that noise.

"Yes?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm heading for bed, and mind you, you should too," she said firmly.

"Right." Boboiboy said absent-mindedly, getting back on the laptop, his fingers dribbling and eyes scanning again.

Ivy sighed. "The internet have nothing on the Gates of Hell, I've tried already."

Boboiboy didn't reply but hesitated about what he was doing, biting his lip.

She had a point. Like Lia said, she was the best person at researching that she knew. And if she was better than Lia, then he must be no match to her researching skills. Now that had been a waste of time, when he could've done something more productive instead of searching for invalid information he was never bound to find.

Still, he kept quiet. Boboiboy then closed his laptop and slowly got up, the chair screeching against the marble floor. Ivy's caramel eyes followed him as he walked past her without saying a word and made his way into his bedroom, the laptop clutched tightly against his chest, and shutting the door behind him, leaving the confused Ivy standing there alone.

Boboiboy L/S: One Hell of a Ride (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now