Open the Curtains

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A/N: Those who had submitted their OCs, they will be tried to be put in the Light Soul series. But since there are so many girl OCs...a boy OC will stand a higher chance of getting in.


Light-Soul-form Gopal stood up high above the people. Though there were no steps visible, he acted as though he were stepping on a very high platform, staring down at the cheering citizens of Blazeland.

"Did you see that? Did you see that? He waved at me!" Gopal was even surprised a man's high pitched squeal could even have traveled to even up here.

But the man's next sentence was immediately drowned, for his voice was too low to be heard now by the other fans' screaming noise. Loud though it was, but he was happy to be this popular after three years of no fan attention.

"Hehehe, thank you, thank you," he said out loud, attempting a blush. "Hello, Blazeland!"

His greetings was answered by an even louder screech from the crowd, who all seemed to be crying of happiness, fainting, or even jumping up and down uncontrollably.

"I love you, Gopal!"


"Notice me, Senpaiii!"

"OK, enough, enough," he said, trying to calm the excited crowd. "You want to see some tricks, I suppose?"

"YES!" the crowd screamed back at him.

Gopal gathered his glowing green powers as the crowd stood still now, watching eagerly. It was ridiculous to believe that a second ago they were shouting their lungs out at him.

"Change into candy!"

He shot his powers up into the sky. The sphere of green travelled like a bullet into the cloudy sky. Everyone's eyes followed the little ball as it zoomed into somewhere where it couldn't be seen, clouded by clouds. They tried moving about to see better of it, but the sky was so cloudy and the cloud so dense that it seemed to have disappeared out to space.

Mutterings began to spread as one by one people looked down again, thinking it was all a fake, but then a little, red and white candy cane fell down from the sky to land with a bonk on a person's head. In about five seconds, the little droppings of candies had became a heavy downfall of candies, and everyone screamed their delight.

Gopal smiled to himself. His part was a success, and he felt free, and popular once more, to have everyone recognise him. It was a miraculous feeling he had long since forgotten and had been longing for to feel the first time in three years of hiding.


"Today's the most awesome day of my life!" Gopal cheered. He did look quite like what he was three years ago, but nevertheless more happier than ever.

In the living room were where all the members of the Super Six were gathered. Boboiboy and Fang stood side-by-side with their arms crossed, watching Gopal with a slight grin of satisfaction on their faces. Lia and Ivy, Ying and Yaya were both hugging each other, sobbing loudly, pouring happy tears onto the other's back.

"I feel sorry and not sorry for the girls," Fang muttered, so that only Boboiboy could hear.

"I know. It looks like they're overreacting a little bit, don't they?"

"Yeah. Gopal's acting like a girl now."

"Um...I guess so."

His eyes wandered to Gopal again who was dancing to some kind of rhythm he could not hear or recognise. Somewhere inside him, he felt happy too. It was a great, great feeling to see his friends not arguing or fighting to the death for the sake of the world for once. Unexpectedly, like a wrecking ball smashing through a building, the thought of Astor, his dead brother, penetrated his happy thoughts and left him with...something he could not explain.

His heart ached, like it was being thrown against the wall and shattering into a million, uncollectable pieces. Tears sprung in his eyes, blinding his vision. Fang must've noticed this because he asked, "Are you OK? You're not turning into a girl, are you?"

Boboiboy lifted his head to see the blurry outline of Fang's face. "Do you ever feel so happy, that you feel sad?"

Fang looked most bewildered. " should have a rest, what you did just now must be tiring. I don't think you're well either."

"I'm OK, alright," Boboiboy sighed. As he closed his eyes, the many tears which were threatening to burst leaked down onto his cheeks as a thin stream of water. Now did he feel embarrassed of crying in front of someone else. He could feel his face soaking wet, but he didn't dare wipe them away.

Fang's eyes widened upon seeing this. "I'll get you tissue, stay right here." And he dashed off into the kitchen.

Once Fang was gone, he walked over to a part of the couch which was unoccupied, and collapsed on it unnoticed. Flashbacks of two years ago flashed in front of his eyes. He must be dreaming. Though he most wanted not to do it, he found himself travelling into the memory of it.

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