Chapter 11: I'M A WHAT!

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A guy in dressed in black came over to us.



"Are you the twin sibling of Colton Thompson?"

"Yeah why?"

"I need you to come with me"

He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the door which made Ryder come and grab my other hand, I bit the inside of my cheek trying not to cry out in pain.

"Hold up you cant just come in here and take my girlfriend away"

I couldn't help but smile when he said girlfriend but shook it off and concentrated on the task at hand. The man flipped his hood off and stared at Ryder in the eye. 

"Actually I can she is my patient, her brother and her have to come to my office for a few years now and we got some things to discuss"

"How are we suppose to trust you?"

The man looked bored so he waved his hand and Ryder passed out.

"What the hell did you do to him?"

"I simply put a sleeping spell on him, he should wake up in a few minutes maybe a hour tops, now follow me"

He brought me outside and put me on a sleek black motorcycle and drove off. 

We pulled up to a small house and he got off the motorcycle and started to walk to the house completely forgetting about me. I frowned and walked inside Colt was sitting on the couch bouncing his knee up and down. 

"Pixie thank god, are you ok?"

He ran and wrapped me in a bear hug and I flinched on contact but bit my lip and ignored the pain racketing through my body. When he pulled back we faced the man

"Ok now that you two are reunited again we have some things to discuss"

He pointed to the couch so we moved over and sat there. 

"So Brendan told me you guys found out about werewolves and that you two are shifter's to"

"Yeah wait you said shifter's not werewolves"

"Yeah well you two aren't exactly wolves like your older brothers, your mom and dad fought so you mother left for a little while and mated with a cheetah shifter, they actually were dating and planning to get married but she met Franklin and they found out they were mates. Your dad found out that she was pregnant with you two and almost killed your dad but your mother calmed him down. Franklin took you guys under his wing and your mom found out that he had two sons himself. You guys never knew your dad but he wanted to meet you guys but I don't know if he is alive or not"

"Wait hold on so your telling me that who we thought was our dad all that time wasn't really"

"Yes that's why your mom brought you here to stop you guys from shifting and revealing her secret"

"So we are a mistake?"

"No she wanted some more children its just she didn't have you two with her mate"

"Ok so your telling me that my brother and I can shift into a god damn cheetah"

"Yes well actually both of you are a wolf cheetah hybrid you have the body of a wolf and the speed and agility of a cheetah"


"But I have a block on your guys wolves but if you want to shift I could take it down but we need permission from the Alpha first"

I looked at Colt and he nodded his head

"Sure can you call him so we can get this over with?"


He left the room and Colt and I were quiet for a few seconds. Until I broke it

"Do you think dad is still alive?"

"Maybe I hope he is I want to meet him"

"Me to, I wonder if Branden and Ross know they aren't are real sibling's"

"Maybe we can ask them when we get home"


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