Chapter 39

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I was sitting in a chair getting my hair and makeup done so i could get my dress on. I couldnt see myself right now because Lucy, the girl doing my makeup, wanted it to be a surprise. I streched for a second and groaned. My dad made me go to training with the warriors my age and he works them way to hard in my opinion. If they think you are not trying or your not doing it correctly they will hit you with either a metal bar or a whip and it hurts like hell. Since i am new i was hit a LOT so i have a punch of bruises and i am sore. 

Now back to present time, so they dont do weddings in this pack they do bondings and you may think this is simple but it is not. The rules of weddings do not apply like a few are; we dont wear wedding dresses we wear formal dresses and the parents choose the dress, we dont have rings we exchange blood and a bunch more.  Some of the rules are the same like the dad walking his daughter down the aisle and the preachers speech.

Lucy smiled at me and turned me around so i could see myself. My hair was down and straightned with a black rose for a hair pin. My makeup was of course eyeliner and mascara and I had smokey eye for my eyeshadow. Lucy shooed me in the closet and said she would see me at the bonding.

I walked into the closet and put my dress on. My dress was a black mermaid lace dress and i really think it was to much but i had no choice in it though. It was lacey on the top part of the dress with bead roses sewn on it, the middle part was see through so people would be able to see my tan stomach. Then it was dress again and it met to the tail and to top it off i put on black heels. 

I walked up to my dad and he smiled i thought he was going to say something but the music started playing. It wasnt the normal song it was a different melody as i was walking down the aisle i scanned the crowd for one specific face. When i found that one face we shared a look but before i knew it i was next to Blake. I hugged my dad then Blake but he held on a little longer

"When the preacher starts talking my friend Ben is going to create a distraction and hopefully start a frenzy. When that happens run we both run to Ryder and escape hopefully it will go smoothly as we both planned"

He pulled back and we both face the preacher. As on cue who i guess was Ben swung the doors opened and everyone faced him.

"Hunters are attacking from the south border all women and children to the safe house"

Everyone sat frozen for a second and i thought it didnt work but then everyone shot up and ran. Ben ran over to us 

"Blake we got to get out of here Hunters are attacking the pack"

Blake puts his hand on the small of my back and i knew i wouldnt be able to run in the heels so i kicked them off. We run over to Ryder, Torey and Lance and they all looked antsy. I grabbed Ryders hand and we run through the halls and burst through the front door and outside. We ran a little while until we stopped at the woods edge. We look over the field and see small battles going on we were lucky we didnt get caught. We turn back to the woods to run again but we were stopped by..................

Authors note:
Dun, Dun, Dun, cliffhanger half of you probably hate me now but I had to cut it short. I lied yesterday it took me longer to rewrite this chapter and I fell bad. I should update either late tonight or after school tomorrow. I am debating with my self on were I am going to end this story and start the second book but who knows. Thank you for the votes and all the comments some are helping me editing this. If you guys have your own story or a story you would like me to read I would love recommendations. I am reading one that someone wanted me to read so I thought I would tell you guys I would. nelladw101 I love your book so far keep it up! Ok next update soon Bye!!!

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