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Unknown - Hi is this Lauren?
(4:47 PM)

Lauren: Let me guess you're calling for a good time too?
(5:26 PM)

Unknown: Yes and no?
(5:30 PM)

Lauren: Look, some asshole who I turned down for a date wrote that in a bathroom somewhere in the city and I've been getting these texts and calls for a month. You're the third one today. Kindly fuck off. I am NOT here for anyone to have a good time. And it's pretty fucked up that you think calling a girl who's name is written on the stall of a Men's washroom is the way to go about "having a good time."
(5:33 PM)

Unknown: Why didn't you just go scratch it out if you were so angry about it?
(5:59 PM)

Lauren: If I knew which of the thousands of bathrooms in this city it was in, I would have!
(6:01 PM)

Unknown: Oh, I guess that makes sense
(6:03 PM)

Unknown: I wasn't calling for a good time, I mean.. It says call for a good time, but I was just texting you to let you know I blacked out your number with Sharpie
(6:05 PM)

Unknown: I suppose this is the last of these texts you'll receive
(6:06 PM)

Lauren: Wait seriously?
(6:07 PM)

Unknown: Yeah, I mean I hate to see any girl put on display like that by some asshole
(6:10 PM)

Lauren: Well uh, thanks. You're the first decent guy I've come across since it was written
(6:12 PM)

Unknown: Not a dude, actually
(6:12 PM)

Lauren: But you were in the Men's washroom?
(6:17 PM)

Unknown: When a girl's gotta go, she's gotta go
(6:20 PM)

Unknown: Like right now, I gotta go. Stuff to do, people to see
(6:20 PM)

Unknown: Have a good life Lauren, hope this doesn't ever happen to you again
(6:21 PM)

Lauren: Thanks random stranger
(6:25 PM)

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