July 11

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"Dinah!" Lauren yelled as she stormed into the apartment across the hall, "I'm going to fucking kill-"

"Laur?" Ally called from her spot on the couch, Normani seated next to her. "Laur, I think you should come sit down over here with us for a second."

"Ally, right now, I need to kill-"

"Please," Ally said as she stood up and walked over to where Lauren was standing, completely covered head to toe in shaving cream. 

Before Lauren could argue, Dinah was making her way out of her bedroom, hands rubbing at tired eyes. "What's with all the ye- Oh, Lauren," Dinah said as she started to laugh. "You look very nice this morning, trying out a new style?"

"You're dead meat, Hansen!" Lauren screamed, lunging towards her purple haired friend. 

Normani was quick off her spot on the couch, throwing herself between Dinah and Lauren, while Ally moved to cover one of the chairs in their living room with black garbage bags so that Lauren could sit down without making a mess. "Lauren, chair. Now!" Normani said sternly as she grabbed Lauren by the shoulder and gave her a slight push in the right direction. "Dinah, couch. Now!" Grabbing in Dinah's hand, Normani dragged her girlfriend to the couch and sat her down before making her way over to the TV so she could stand next to Ally. 

"Girls," Ally said cautiously. "We love you both, but this has officially gone too far."

"No it-"


"You've both done thing that were funny, but now you two are headed into a territory of being just plain cruel and we are worried it's going to ruin  your friendship," Ally said honestly. "You two need to squash whatever it is that's happening between you two and-"

"She dyed my hair purple!"

"She shaved off my eyebrow!"

"She ruined my Beyonce autograph!"

"She replaced my weed with fucking grass!"

"Yeah well you super glued my hands together," Dinah said pointedly as she turned to face Lauren. "And you put pudding in my dresser drawers!"

Lauren scoffed, arms folded defensively across her chest. "You put a fucking dead fish in my car! It cost me almost a hundred dollars to get the smell out!" 

"You guys," Normani sighed. "You need to call a truce!"

"She dyed my hair purple, Mani!" Dinah repeated as she ran her hand through her hair. 

Lauren rolled her eyes as she began to wipe the shaving cream off off herself and flick it onto the ground, "It comes out in like ten washes, you big baby."

"Lauren, stop that," Ally scolded as she watched the shaving cream hit the floor. "I sat you down on garbage bags for a reason!"

"Sorry," Lauren mumbled, throwing her hands up defensively as she popped out her bottom lip in a pout. 

"Wait hold up," Dinah said interrupting the moment between Ally and Lauren. "This shit washes out?"

"Yeah," Lauren shrugged. "I wasn't gonna like purposely ruin your hair or anything, that would be mean, but I mean you shaved off my eyebrow so now I kind of wish I had."

"Ugh, maybe shaving off your eyebrow was a little mean," Dinah admitted, looking down at the ground. "I'm sorry I shaved your eyebrow off."


"And what?"

"Where the hell is my weed, Hansen!"

Dinah sighed and slowly got up off the couch, making her way slowly back to her bedroom, returning a short while later with Lauren's bag of weed in her hand. "Here," Dinah said, sounding a bit annoyed as she tossed the bag onto Lauren's lap. "I should have flushed it, since you ruined my Queen Bey autograph."

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