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Alexander's POV

This is bullshit.

I should've expected it. I should've predicted it. But it's still bullshit.

The one girl – the one fucking girl I find worth chasing doesn't want to be chased. At least not by me.

I don't know what I expected. I knew she wasn't easy, but I didn't know it'd be this hard to get her.

Gabrielle fucking Perth.

Her name is haunting me in my fucking sleep. I'm a moody bastard these days because she's ignoring me. I know she's doing it on purpose, I just don't know what that reason is.

I thought she liked me, too. Not at first because I was impossible to her for a reason. I didn't want her to fall in love with me, but more importantly, I didn't want her to get to me.

Yet she still did.

I know that if she showed her interest in me, I'd take her to bed instantly, without a question. And that would be bad. Because I know how she's like. She'd probably think there's something between us that isn't possible (at least not for me and with me), and then she'd make her stay here impossible for me.

And there was also a part in me, that good tiny square of good I have left in my body, that told me I can't destroy someone pure like her because she deserves someone and something better.

But now, eight fucking months later I still can't stop thinking about her and I'm also starting to get a little selfish.

Because that tiny, delicate flower isn't all that delicate anymore. She transformed from a mouse straight to a tigress who isn't afraid to show her claws anymore. And I fucking love it.

It's a major turn on when she gives me shit back, not escape to the nearest corner and hide.

But now that I decided to be selfish and have her, she's just not reacting the way I wanted her to. I mean, I thought she'd be more than happy I showed some interest in her. Any other girl would have a fight for my attention. Because everyone knows I'm not a chaser. I'm the one being chased.

And now Gabrielle Perth is putting me to a test.

I don't even know how to make a girl go out with me. Because I never had to try for anyone. They were all standing in line to get a chance with me.

I know she has every reason not to believe me. But in all truth, now that I decided to finally stop fighting it, because it's getting kind of tiring and because I'd be capable of murder if I saw her with another guy, she doesn't believe me.

I don't even want to fuck her and leave her. I know once wouldn't be enough. She's a girl like that. When you have her, you can't let her go.

And she's leaving in a few months anyway, so why not have some fun, right?

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